
A couple of weeks ago, I was given the opportunity to present some of my research to a group of scientists, that included several virologists.

The core hypothesis that is presented could be summed up as follows; the plethora of seemingly disparate ‘diseases’ are in fact varying symptoms of poisoning. There is one poison in particular, arsenic, that we have been able to link back to just about every ‘disease’ known to us. Virology can essentially be thought of as a subset of toxicology.

The subject was presented by taking a ‘first principles’ approach, so the introduction may seem a little drawn out, but I felt this was necessary given the audience, and so as to ensure that the discussion that followed the presentation was properly framed.

Watching it back, I spotted a number of areas that could do with some polish, so I’m planning on making some improvements to it, after which a new version will be uploaded.

In the meantime, I thought you might like to watch it.

I am told that some of those present – the virologists in particular – found the contents interesting and thought-provoking, which was great to hear.

Big thank you to Leo Biddle and Domini Gordon for making it happen, and of course Caroline Coram who’s research has been instrumental in pulling all this information together.