Thank you, fab article. Between you and Caroline's articles, a lot of what i have been physically experiencing is starting to make sense. God bless you both.
Interesting, I was just thinking of autoimmunity today and all the conditions that we're now beginning to think of as due to toxicity such as type 1 diabetes, associated with early exposure to cows' milk- and possibly toxins produced by para avium tuberculosis- Johnne's disease in cattle. I think leaky gut from polysorbate 80, detergents, pesticides, glyphosate, lack of fibre and antiboitics also have a lot to do it, diabetes and coeliac and Hashimoto's all associated with each other.
If everyone was tested for 'auto' antibodies many of us would be diagnosed with autoimmune diseases
Gabor Maté writes very convincingly in When the Body says No about MS and suppressed emotions. Apparently it's well known in clinics that the staff will know when a diagnosis of MS will be given by how nice the patient is ie not wanting to be a trouble, very polite. The unexpressed emotion is the toxin
Thank you Jo! That's very interesting RE: Maté, I will have a look. And thanks for the notes on 'antibodies' as well, as you know their HIV tests to take just one example, are said to cross-react with any number of other conditions and 'antibodies', so as you say, if we were all tested for these antibodies, no doubt a great many of us would be diagnosed with an 'autoimmune disease'.
Some very interesting points here. Yes, I have always taught that the body does not "mistakenly attack its own tissues". It is mounting an inflammatory response to something within those tissues that should not be there. If the inflammation does not manage to get rid of the foreign substance, then the tissues in question will be gradually destroyed, turned into scar tissue by the inflammatory enzymes. It's the same process as gum disease, or perhaps acne. If acne goes on too long, a permanent loss of skin tissue occurs in that spot. Many things can be incorporated into body tissues, and this includes partially digested food particles such as gluten, which can leak through an inflamed gut wall into the bloodstream, forming circulating immune complexes which can land anywhere in the body. It is a vast topic with almost no research, but environmental medicine expert Dr William Rea has found that certain chemicals have an affinity for certain types of body tissue. (Perhaps because they bear similarities to some essential nutrients that are found there in greater amounts.) Here is a link for those interested in his work
That's a very good way of explaining it Linda – and makes a whole lot more sense than the official explanation. In some ways, you could say the tissue is the 'collateral damage' resulting from a war between two factions having it out over civilian territory.
People with 'autoimmune disease', may well have elevated antibodies to thyroid peroxidase, rheumatoid factor, beta cells, insulin and the IG's 1 and 3 said to be associated with MS etc but the presence of antibodies is only correlated not necessary causative of the diseases. Much like the firefighters causing fires analogy. I would think it far more likely that antibodies, like firefighters are trying to sort stuff out.
Acne is a great example as the body is visibly expelling toxins through the skin, mostly associated with dairy consumption in adolescence.
T1 diabetes is said to develop over time, so the toxin or stress continually causes inflammation in the pancreas, explaining the presence of lymphoid infiltrates. Eventually there is a permanent loss of beta cell function.
I think allergies and disease have a lot to with diet and antibiotics in that the microbiome protects the gut lining as well as the nasal passages, trachea and lungs!
It seems that much of modern medicine is designed to convince us that our bodies are easily duped: that it can be tricked into manufacturing and multiplying invading pathogenic gems, or tricked into attacking itself. One might logically conclude that the germ vs terrain debate is also a clash between atheism and creationism.
They want us to be entirely dependant on their fraudulent system, and that requires them to peddle the narrative that we need them. This is why I don't think anything will change unless people start to realise that the narrative is wrong – you can fine pharmaceutical companies all you like, but at the end of the day, not too much – because they're deemed 'necessary' (and they, and the people who fine them, know this perfectly well). I do think some of their products are useful and necessary, but a great deal aren't (so-called vaccines are a prime example).
It would be fun to pin point which products are in fact useful and necessary! I don't think antibiotics save lives- they might improve the detox symptoms of, for example, a malnourished frail elderly person enough to stave off the inevitable for a bit. But nutrition and avoiding toxins in the future is what actually will save them.
Insulin of course but that's not a drug, just replacing the body's own hormone it would produce if it hadn't been poisoned.
Bone marrow and stem cell transplants? Again replacing natures own miracle after poisoning.
Wow! thanks for that link. Stunning in its openness about the agenda and written by a guy from Imperial who receive millions directly from Bill and Mel (or now just Bill?).
Also so illogical - 'nature' is what we are made of, formed from, dependent on and totally inseparable from. ' I think that because we are under the illusion that we’re separate from everything else and so unaware of the constant communication that’s going on, when we see illness, really a collection of detoxification symptoms such as coughing and sneezing, ‘pass’ between people we cling to the belief that there must be an external nefarious entity, a ‘virus’, which somehow travels through the air and causes it. We find it hard to accept our interconnectedness or that we have the ability to communicate with all beings around us and help each other by signalling the need to expel toxins and to rest.'
I see it as a clash between God and mother Nature. Man created God (germ) in his own image. In his mind he separated himself from nature, and even his own body, and became frightened of it. In God's name he told himself he had dominion over everyone else to make their lives a misery or extinct.
Limitless time and space created Mother Earth (terrain) of rock, water and gas. With totally interdependent species on top, none superior or inferior, none good or evil, all part of the same one.
Man believes God is on his side against all the other (non-existent!) beasties, that are out to get him, gave him 'intelligence' to destroy them (and prevent his own body from attacking itself!) and wants him to survive at any cost. Mother Earth has no preference. She won't hesitate to return herself to balance.
🚂 Hi there, Sebastien! Thanks so much for participating in the Terrain Train! I’m writing to encourage everyone involved to share this information on and off Substack as much as possible throughout the month of October. Tremendous gratitude for all that you're doing to raise awareness in the health truth movement!
I believe that diet is a major factor in auto-immune diseases. I recently went carnivore and my ulcerative colitis, which was supposedly incurable and would only get worse over time, was completely gone in around 3 months. I am now 6 months into this diet and I am medication free with no symptoms. There is tons of anecdotal evidence to support this concept. Of course, there are no studies on this because nobody makes money studying diet, and if this is proven correct then para companies will lose an inordinate about of money. You should check out Dr. Shawn Baker, Dr. Anthony Chaffee, and many others that are popular on YouTube and other platforms.
Medical science seems to be based on the fireman theory. It's firemen that cause house fires because they are always present at house fires. I am not convinced about the existence of 'viruses'. There is no real proof and all experiments are done outside the body in an hostile environment. Anyone that thinks sticking a needle into someone and pumping foreign substances into them is a good idea thus overcoming the body's defence system developed over millions of years is cuckoo.
Thank you Doug! Yes, I would agree with you. The 'funniest' part of all this for me, is how their experiments that allegedly prove that 'autoimmune diseases' are a thing, also disprove their 'virus' experiments. Essentially, the effects are the same, but in one case, they get to say it's a 'virus', in the other, that it's an 'autoimmune disease'. It's preposterous.
Why would the "Western diet" effect places like Nigeria and Japan? Well, the "Western Diet" should really be called the "Modern Western Diet" or the "Processed Diet"
Then you will have your answer. The world is increasingly eating this modern diet. Places in Japan* used to have the longest lived people on earth. That changed in a generation, and parents buried their children, with the change in diet in the 50's and 60's
* I can't remember the name of the island but it is one of the Bluezones so it should be easy to find.
Weston Price has a book about the changes that come when humans all around the world give up their ancestral diet and start eating "the displacing foods of modern commerce; Sugar, white flour, canned foods, Chocolate and vegetable fats**"
** My money is on the vegetable fats being the largest driver of disease out of the whole bunch. Omega 6 and trans fats come from these fats.
Yes, but not everyone who has an 'autoimmune disease' eats a 'modern western diet' – I know at least 2 people (my wife being one) who have such a condition, and I don't believe we eat what is said to be a 'modern western diet'.
I also had a look at places like India, and Nigeria, and it's not obvious to me that their diet has changed all that much – at least, I couldn't find any evidence that this is the case.
I suppose the main point really is that although I don't doubt that diet plays a role (so-called T2 diabetes for example), the idea that such a diet would lead your body to start 'attacking itself' seems somewhat dubious, especially when we consider all the other evidence that for some reason, none of the experts seem to want to talk about.
I think this is what we have come to recognise as a red herring. A lot more to unpack here. OP suggested the attack is actually the body trying to extract foreign particles from the body, of course partly true. However the sub cellular work we are doing suggests it may be more deep rooted than that. The DNA and RNA is being altered and causing mutations, preventing cells from cleaning and from dying (apoptosis) in a timely manner. This all has the potential to lead to cancer. Our error is thinking the issue lies solely with diet and ‘sensitivities’. The air we are breathing presents much more of a hazard than for those eliminating essential elements from a diet in an attempt to isolate the culprit. Detoxification is as much about ensuring we get the broadest range of whole food and organic diet, as it is about fasting and supplementing. Food really is medicine.
I don't disagree with what you have said really but there are downstream metabolites of omega 6 that do indeed negatively effect DNA and RNA, among other things.
This is from the wiki on HNE or 4-Hydroxynonenal, and mind this is one out of hundreds of toxins.
"A small group of enzymes are specifically suited to the detoxification and removal of 4-HNE from cells. Within this group are the glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) such as hGSTA4-4 and hGST5.8, aldose reductase, and aldehyde dehydrogenase. These enzymes have low Km values for HNE catalysis and together are very efficient at controlling the intracellular concentration, up to a critical threshold amount, at which these enzymes are overwhelmed and cell death is inevitable"
"There seems to be a dual and hormetic action of 4-HNE on the health of cells: lower intracellular concentrations (around 0.1-5 micromolar) seem to be beneficial to cells, promoting proliferation, differentiation, antioxidant defense and compensatory mechanism, while higher concentrations (around 10-20 micromolar) have been shown to trigger well-known toxic pathways such as the induction of caspase enzymes, the laddering of genomic DNA, the release of cytochrome c from mitochondria, with the eventual outcome of cell death (through both apoptosis and necrosis, depending on concentration)[citation needed]. HNE has been linked in the pathology of several diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, cataract, atherosclerosis, diabetes and cancer"
And Acrolein, the toxin involved in the 2019 Kim Kim river pollution incident
"The mechanism of action of acrolein appears to involve induction of increased reactive oxygen species and DNA damage related to oxidative stress"
Again these are only two of the metabolites and Seed Oils came into our diet around 1870 around the time all the diseases of civilization exploded - cancer, obesity, diabetes, CVD, macular degeneration
"In 1928 a liver extract which was 50-100 times more potent than liver itself was developed by a chemist, Edwin Cohn. The extract could be injected, which was a great improvement on the previous treatment of eating large quantities of liver."
Not sure what you will make of that. Maybe it didn't cause illness because it was only an extract, rather than the whole organ or it was such a small dose?
Chris Knobbe has a video where he goes into the rates of diseases exploding in places eating modern foods. Even places like Nigeria there is a huge difference in disease between people in the cities vs people out in the "poor regions"
Could you describe your wifes diet roughly?
India and China have some of the fastest growing populations of type 2 diabetes and obesity. Soon they will be catching up with Americans lol.
I guess my point isn't directed towards auto-immunity or whether that exists or not.
I also think the idea that your body attacks itself to be... well... insane. However if there was a change in the basic building blocks that the human body uses, and this change was a fat that breaks down into some of the most toxic things on earth - Aldehydes, HNE, Acraline. Then I could see the body trying to get rid of those things.
I think you would make the point of whether that means the body is "attacking itself" and I would agree with you. It sounds more like the body is trying to protect itself?
I enjoyed the article btw. I don't want to sound like I'm nitpicking. I thought the examples you found where brain and blood was injected into another animal and how this was enough to cause death and disease was very convincing. I had never read about anything like that.
On a side note, before B12 was known, I think I remember them injecting Liver from cows into people with Pernicious Aenemia and how this cured them. Should that not have caused illness? I could be getting this mixed up as they fed people Liver to cure them, and eventually injected a Liver extract into them, but I'm 80% sure they injected actual Liver in the early days.
Speaking of antibodies. I recently heard old interviews from that Asian doctor living in Germany Buchtie(sp?) and Robert Malone where both of them question the role of antibodies. Buchtie says antibodies are only needed when dealing with heavy metals. I can't mind what Malone said exactly but you can find his interview on Housatonic Live.
If I have time I'll come back and edit this post with what he said and fix the typo of Buchties name. It is how the name sounds but obviously isn't the correct spelling.
What he said did give me chills though as I thought of the Pharma companies putting Aluminium in their shots and boasting about "the robust antibody response"
Yeah, you just gave someone a toxin then measured the body responding...
What about putting the (egoic or state of) mind into the "terrain theory"?
We accept the observers effect and the placebo effect( both power of mind).
How does the average person living in ( fear)a sympathetic nervous system totally believing they are just a sep isolated body and that it is being attacked effect the body's health?
What is apparent at our mental and social expression is that we attack our self & each other.
A mind at war with itself extends as a society of victim & victimisers or war as the underlying nature of lack & threat driven behaviours.
Attack is usually masked in personal and social rules or norms as moral justification to the maintaining of order against fear of pain of loss.
Beneath its acting out on the body is the idea of sacrifice where separation (splitting off from or 'distancing' is equated with salvation, and so what is denied or attacked has to 'pay the price'.
War-mind of a struggle for power can be thus seen as seeking the means to evade feared pain of loss by the means to offset or divert it 'away from self to the to Othered.
The structuring of society under fear that masks as love as part of its strategy of concealment and manipulation, is then a collective but unconscious agreement as to 'who pays' in terms of social narratives that establish blame as the means to set social credit against. That these are a flux of conflicting identities is evident, but pursuit of monetary profits in disregard for the lives of others is seen as a way to stand over them, so that others are induced to pay for elitist or exclusive privileges or social permissions of status, wealth & influence.
Most of which runs unconscious to a social masking as accumulated compound debt or unresolved conflict that operates not just through generations, but across time & space through the law or nature of resonance.
My intent in sketching this overview is to invite a deeper consideration than merely external subjection to material circumstances, while not disregarding the synchronicities arising - both positive and negative. The first attack is on our self, but is hidden by the belief and the wish to push cause of lack, fear, pain and loss OUTSIDE and thus seek answer in external terms. Some of this is a result of unwittingly taking on the conflicts of others at a stage of development in which lack we lack self-differentiation. But then driven to seek strategy of survival within such a relational distortion.
As with so called germs, susceptibility to disease from toxic exposure is variable, and the underlying resonances to influence will always be individual within collective patterns that again are largely unconscious or operating as subconscious conditionings of which we are in a sense trained to ride on (and be ridden by) as a 'given reality' that is of course a masking manipulation and not a basis for true appreciation of anything.
The concept of immunity at body level is absurd yet compulsive to a sense of seeking protection.
But at the level of Spirit has value as the embodiment of unified purpose that embraces to discern within all that is present, rather than compelled by judgements that set up exclusions that become toxic to or undermining of support for life.
Insofar as body can realign to health or functional integrity, despite accumulated burdens of disease, emotional or psychic conflict, and social exclusions - including fatal or negative diagnosis and prognosis by 'authorities', is outside the reach of the mind of manipulative possession and control, and so for many, doesn't exist for them. Exceptionalism is then projected to potentials and examples that we cannot or will not match, but that may yet seed in us the recognition that there is more than we know, or better, we do not really know and have accepted misguidance as a social 'reality' or normal.
Attempts to unify over against fear and threat can never be whole.
Fear of wholeness is protected by controls set in fear and guilt that will seek to limit, undermine or sabotage the restoring of wholeness, health and wellbeing as the embodiment of joy in life.
Toxic debts persist in ever shifting forms of repackaging, in a composite of blind man's buff meets pass the parcel in a game of musical chairs.
Thank you, fab article. Between you and Caroline's articles, a lot of what i have been physically experiencing is starting to make sense. God bless you both.
Thank you Natasha! That's great to hear, thank you for the kind comments.
Interesting, I was just thinking of autoimmunity today and all the conditions that we're now beginning to think of as due to toxicity such as type 1 diabetes, associated with early exposure to cows' milk- and possibly toxins produced by para avium tuberculosis- Johnne's disease in cattle. I think leaky gut from polysorbate 80, detergents, pesticides, glyphosate, lack of fibre and antiboitics also have a lot to do it, diabetes and coeliac and Hashimoto's all associated with each other.
The presence of antibodies gets every one confused. They are involved in detoxification and healing, so nothing to do with the body attacking itself or anything else.
If everyone was tested for 'auto' antibodies many of us would be diagnosed with autoimmune diseases
Gabor Maté writes very convincingly in When the Body says No about MS and suppressed emotions. Apparently it's well known in clinics that the staff will know when a diagnosis of MS will be given by how nice the patient is ie not wanting to be a trouble, very polite. The unexpressed emotion is the toxin
lots to think about
Thank you Jo! That's very interesting RE: Maté, I will have a look. And thanks for the notes on 'antibodies' as well, as you know their HIV tests to take just one example, are said to cross-react with any number of other conditions and 'antibodies', so as you say, if we were all tested for these antibodies, no doubt a great many of us would be diagnosed with an 'autoimmune disease'.
Some very interesting points here. Yes, I have always taught that the body does not "mistakenly attack its own tissues". It is mounting an inflammatory response to something within those tissues that should not be there. If the inflammation does not manage to get rid of the foreign substance, then the tissues in question will be gradually destroyed, turned into scar tissue by the inflammatory enzymes. It's the same process as gum disease, or perhaps acne. If acne goes on too long, a permanent loss of skin tissue occurs in that spot. Many things can be incorporated into body tissues, and this includes partially digested food particles such as gluten, which can leak through an inflamed gut wall into the bloodstream, forming circulating immune complexes which can land anywhere in the body. It is a vast topic with almost no research, but environmental medicine expert Dr William Rea has found that certain chemicals have an affinity for certain types of body tissue. (Perhaps because they bear similarities to some essential nutrients that are found there in greater amounts.) Here is a link for those interested in his work
That's a very good way of explaining it Linda – and makes a whole lot more sense than the official explanation. In some ways, you could say the tissue is the 'collateral damage' resulting from a war between two factions having it out over civilian territory.
And thank you for the link, I will check it out!
Yes, yes, yes
People with 'autoimmune disease', may well have elevated antibodies to thyroid peroxidase, rheumatoid factor, beta cells, insulin and the IG's 1 and 3 said to be associated with MS etc but the presence of antibodies is only correlated not necessary causative of the diseases. Much like the firefighters causing fires analogy. I would think it far more likely that antibodies, like firefighters are trying to sort stuff out.
Acne is a great example as the body is visibly expelling toxins through the skin, mostly associated with dairy consumption in adolescence.
T1 diabetes is said to develop over time, so the toxin or stress continually causes inflammation in the pancreas, explaining the presence of lymphoid infiltrates. Eventually there is a permanent loss of beta cell function.
I think allergies and disease have a lot to with diet and antibiotics in that the microbiome protects the gut lining as well as the nasal passages, trachea and lungs!
Very interesting
It seems that much of modern medicine is designed to convince us that our bodies are easily duped: that it can be tricked into manufacturing and multiplying invading pathogenic gems, or tricked into attacking itself. One might logically conclude that the germ vs terrain debate is also a clash between atheism and creationism.
Yes, there certainly seems to be some of that – I thought this article was pretty telling:
They want us to be entirely dependant on their fraudulent system, and that requires them to peddle the narrative that we need them. This is why I don't think anything will change unless people start to realise that the narrative is wrong – you can fine pharmaceutical companies all you like, but at the end of the day, not too much – because they're deemed 'necessary' (and they, and the people who fine them, know this perfectly well). I do think some of their products are useful and necessary, but a great deal aren't (so-called vaccines are a prime example).
It would be fun to pin point which products are in fact useful and necessary! I don't think antibiotics save lives- they might improve the detox symptoms of, for example, a malnourished frail elderly person enough to stave off the inevitable for a bit. But nutrition and avoiding toxins in the future is what actually will save them.
Insulin of course but that's not a drug, just replacing the body's own hormone it would produce if it hadn't been poisoned.
Bone marrow and stem cell transplants? Again replacing natures own miracle after poisoning.
Wow! thanks for that link. Stunning in its openness about the agenda and written by a guy from Imperial who receive millions directly from Bill and Mel (or now just Bill?).
Also so illogical - 'nature' is what we are made of, formed from, dependent on and totally inseparable from. ' I think that because we are under the illusion that we’re separate from everything else and so unaware of the constant communication that’s going on, when we see illness, really a collection of detoxification symptoms such as coughing and sneezing, ‘pass’ between people we cling to the belief that there must be an external nefarious entity, a ‘virus’, which somehow travels through the air and causes it. We find it hard to accept our interconnectedness or that we have the ability to communicate with all beings around us and help each other by signalling the need to expel toxins and to rest.'
Which is which?
I see it as a clash between God and mother Nature. Man created God (germ) in his own image. In his mind he separated himself from nature, and even his own body, and became frightened of it. In God's name he told himself he had dominion over everyone else to make their lives a misery or extinct.
Limitless time and space created Mother Earth (terrain) of rock, water and gas. With totally interdependent species on top, none superior or inferior, none good or evil, all part of the same one.
Man believes God is on his side against all the other (non-existent!) beasties, that are out to get him, gave him 'intelligence' to destroy them (and prevent his own body from attacking itself!) and wants him to survive at any cost. Mother Earth has no preference. She won't hesitate to return herself to balance.
Great article. Thank you both for all your work.
Awesome stuff.
Thank you Andy!
🚂 Hi there, Sebastien! Thanks so much for participating in the Terrain Train! I’m writing to encourage everyone involved to share this information on and off Substack as much as possible throughout the month of October. Tremendous gratitude for all that you're doing to raise awareness in the health truth movement!
Hey Sol! Thanks for the reminder – yep, I have an email due to be sent out on Friday to my Substack list, and will also share it on Twitter shortly.
Awesome and thanx! So far I'm definitely getting a little extra traffic and some more subs ...
Great to hear! I also seem to have had a few, so looking good.
Thank you for organising this, it's a lot of work, so really appreciate the effort.
🙏 🙏 🙏
I believe that diet is a major factor in auto-immune diseases. I recently went carnivore and my ulcerative colitis, which was supposedly incurable and would only get worse over time, was completely gone in around 3 months. I am now 6 months into this diet and I am medication free with no symptoms. There is tons of anecdotal evidence to support this concept. Of course, there are no studies on this because nobody makes money studying diet, and if this is proven correct then para companies will lose an inordinate about of money. You should check out Dr. Shawn Baker, Dr. Anthony Chaffee, and many others that are popular on YouTube and other platforms.
Excellent article.
Medical science seems to be based on the fireman theory. It's firemen that cause house fires because they are always present at house fires. I am not convinced about the existence of 'viruses'. There is no real proof and all experiments are done outside the body in an hostile environment. Anyone that thinks sticking a needle into someone and pumping foreign substances into them is a good idea thus overcoming the body's defence system developed over millions of years is cuckoo.
Thank you Doug! Yes, I would agree with you. The 'funniest' part of all this for me, is how their experiments that allegedly prove that 'autoimmune diseases' are a thing, also disprove their 'virus' experiments. Essentially, the effects are the same, but in one case, they get to say it's a 'virus', in the other, that it's an 'autoimmune disease'. It's preposterous.
Why would the "Western diet" effect places like Nigeria and Japan? Well, the "Western Diet" should really be called the "Modern Western Diet" or the "Processed Diet"
Then you will have your answer. The world is increasingly eating this modern diet. Places in Japan* used to have the longest lived people on earth. That changed in a generation, and parents buried their children, with the change in diet in the 50's and 60's
* I can't remember the name of the island but it is one of the Bluezones so it should be easy to find.
Weston Price has a book about the changes that come when humans all around the world give up their ancestral diet and start eating "the displacing foods of modern commerce; Sugar, white flour, canned foods, Chocolate and vegetable fats**"
** My money is on the vegetable fats being the largest driver of disease out of the whole bunch. Omega 6 and trans fats come from these fats.
Yes, but not everyone who has an 'autoimmune disease' eats a 'modern western diet' – I know at least 2 people (my wife being one) who have such a condition, and I don't believe we eat what is said to be a 'modern western diet'.
I also had a look at places like India, and Nigeria, and it's not obvious to me that their diet has changed all that much – at least, I couldn't find any evidence that this is the case.
I suppose the main point really is that although I don't doubt that diet plays a role (so-called T2 diabetes for example), the idea that such a diet would lead your body to start 'attacking itself' seems somewhat dubious, especially when we consider all the other evidence that for some reason, none of the experts seem to want to talk about.
I think this is what we have come to recognise as a red herring. A lot more to unpack here. OP suggested the attack is actually the body trying to extract foreign particles from the body, of course partly true. However the sub cellular work we are doing suggests it may be more deep rooted than that. The DNA and RNA is being altered and causing mutations, preventing cells from cleaning and from dying (apoptosis) in a timely manner. This all has the potential to lead to cancer. Our error is thinking the issue lies solely with diet and ‘sensitivities’. The air we are breathing presents much more of a hazard than for those eliminating essential elements from a diet in an attempt to isolate the culprit. Detoxification is as much about ensuring we get the broadest range of whole food and organic diet, as it is about fasting and supplementing. Food really is medicine.
I don't disagree with what you have said really but there are downstream metabolites of omega 6 that do indeed negatively effect DNA and RNA, among other things.
This is from the wiki on HNE or 4-Hydroxynonenal, and mind this is one out of hundreds of toxins.
"A small group of enzymes are specifically suited to the detoxification and removal of 4-HNE from cells. Within this group are the glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) such as hGSTA4-4 and hGST5.8, aldose reductase, and aldehyde dehydrogenase. These enzymes have low Km values for HNE catalysis and together are very efficient at controlling the intracellular concentration, up to a critical threshold amount, at which these enzymes are overwhelmed and cell death is inevitable"
"There seems to be a dual and hormetic action of 4-HNE on the health of cells: lower intracellular concentrations (around 0.1-5 micromolar) seem to be beneficial to cells, promoting proliferation, differentiation, antioxidant defense and compensatory mechanism, while higher concentrations (around 10-20 micromolar) have been shown to trigger well-known toxic pathways such as the induction of caspase enzymes, the laddering of genomic DNA, the release of cytochrome c from mitochondria, with the eventual outcome of cell death (through both apoptosis and necrosis, depending on concentration)[citation needed]. HNE has been linked in the pathology of several diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, cataract, atherosclerosis, diabetes and cancer"
And Acrolein, the toxin involved in the 2019 Kim Kim river pollution incident
"The mechanism of action of acrolein appears to involve induction of increased reactive oxygen species and DNA damage related to oxidative stress"
Again these are only two of the metabolites and Seed Oils came into our diet around 1870 around the time all the diseases of civilization exploded - cancer, obesity, diabetes, CVD, macular degeneration
Ok I found this quote
"In 1928 a liver extract which was 50-100 times more potent than liver itself was developed by a chemist, Edwin Cohn. The extract could be injected, which was a great improvement on the previous treatment of eating large quantities of liver."
Not sure what you will make of that. Maybe it didn't cause illness because it was only an extract, rather than the whole organ or it was such a small dose?
Chris Knobbe has a video where he goes into the rates of diseases exploding in places eating modern foods. Even places like Nigeria there is a huge difference in disease between people in the cities vs people out in the "poor regions"
Could you describe your wifes diet roughly?
India and China have some of the fastest growing populations of type 2 diabetes and obesity. Soon they will be catching up with Americans lol.
I guess my point isn't directed towards auto-immunity or whether that exists or not.
I also think the idea that your body attacks itself to be... well... insane. However if there was a change in the basic building blocks that the human body uses, and this change was a fat that breaks down into some of the most toxic things on earth - Aldehydes, HNE, Acraline. Then I could see the body trying to get rid of those things.
I think you would make the point of whether that means the body is "attacking itself" and I would agree with you. It sounds more like the body is trying to protect itself?
I enjoyed the article btw. I don't want to sound like I'm nitpicking. I thought the examples you found where brain and blood was injected into another animal and how this was enough to cause death and disease was very convincing. I had never read about anything like that.
On a side note, before B12 was known, I think I remember them injecting Liver from cows into people with Pernicious Aenemia and how this cured them. Should that not have caused illness? I could be getting this mixed up as they fed people Liver to cure them, and eventually injected a Liver extract into them, but I'm 80% sure they injected actual Liver in the early days.
Speaking of antibodies. I recently heard old interviews from that Asian doctor living in Germany Buchtie(sp?) and Robert Malone where both of them question the role of antibodies. Buchtie says antibodies are only needed when dealing with heavy metals. I can't mind what Malone said exactly but you can find his interview on Housatonic Live.
If I have time I'll come back and edit this post with what he said and fix the typo of Buchties name. It is how the name sounds but obviously isn't the correct spelling.
What he said did give me chills though as I thought of the Pharma companies putting Aluminium in their shots and boasting about "the robust antibody response"
Yeah, you just gave someone a toxin then measured the body responding...
What about putting the (egoic or state of) mind into the "terrain theory"?
We accept the observers effect and the placebo effect( both power of mind).
How does the average person living in ( fear)a sympathetic nervous system totally believing they are just a sep isolated body and that it is being attacked effect the body's health?
PS Lets also think about thriving skills( LOVE).
What is apparent at our mental and social expression is that we attack our self & each other.
A mind at war with itself extends as a society of victim & victimisers or war as the underlying nature of lack & threat driven behaviours.
Attack is usually masked in personal and social rules or norms as moral justification to the maintaining of order against fear of pain of loss.
Beneath its acting out on the body is the idea of sacrifice where separation (splitting off from or 'distancing' is equated with salvation, and so what is denied or attacked has to 'pay the price'.
War-mind of a struggle for power can be thus seen as seeking the means to evade feared pain of loss by the means to offset or divert it 'away from self to the to Othered.
The structuring of society under fear that masks as love as part of its strategy of concealment and manipulation, is then a collective but unconscious agreement as to 'who pays' in terms of social narratives that establish blame as the means to set social credit against. That these are a flux of conflicting identities is evident, but pursuit of monetary profits in disregard for the lives of others is seen as a way to stand over them, so that others are induced to pay for elitist or exclusive privileges or social permissions of status, wealth & influence.
Most of which runs unconscious to a social masking as accumulated compound debt or unresolved conflict that operates not just through generations, but across time & space through the law or nature of resonance.
My intent in sketching this overview is to invite a deeper consideration than merely external subjection to material circumstances, while not disregarding the synchronicities arising - both positive and negative. The first attack is on our self, but is hidden by the belief and the wish to push cause of lack, fear, pain and loss OUTSIDE and thus seek answer in external terms. Some of this is a result of unwittingly taking on the conflicts of others at a stage of development in which lack we lack self-differentiation. But then driven to seek strategy of survival within such a relational distortion.
As with so called germs, susceptibility to disease from toxic exposure is variable, and the underlying resonances to influence will always be individual within collective patterns that again are largely unconscious or operating as subconscious conditionings of which we are in a sense trained to ride on (and be ridden by) as a 'given reality' that is of course a masking manipulation and not a basis for true appreciation of anything.
The concept of immunity at body level is absurd yet compulsive to a sense of seeking protection.
But at the level of Spirit has value as the embodiment of unified purpose that embraces to discern within all that is present, rather than compelled by judgements that set up exclusions that become toxic to or undermining of support for life.
Insofar as body can realign to health or functional integrity, despite accumulated burdens of disease, emotional or psychic conflict, and social exclusions - including fatal or negative diagnosis and prognosis by 'authorities', is outside the reach of the mind of manipulative possession and control, and so for many, doesn't exist for them. Exceptionalism is then projected to potentials and examples that we cannot or will not match, but that may yet seed in us the recognition that there is more than we know, or better, we do not really know and have accepted misguidance as a social 'reality' or normal.
Attempts to unify over against fear and threat can never be whole.
Fear of wholeness is protected by controls set in fear and guilt that will seek to limit, undermine or sabotage the restoring of wholeness, health and wellbeing as the embodiment of joy in life.
Toxic debts persist in ever shifting forms of repackaging, in a composite of blind man's buff meets pass the parcel in a game of musical chairs.