Hiroshima and Nagasaki were fire bombed like Tokyo (compare the photos). They couldn't get the A bomb to work so the USA, USSR and UK formed the Nuclear Fear Club mainly for their own populations control. Others were allowed to join later. All videos and films of A bomb explosions are easily shown as fake. No nuclear weapon no matter how small has ever been used since WW2 although every other horrendous weapons have been used. Hiroshima and Nagasaki show no signs of residue radioactivity. A ludicrous photo shows Oppenheimer and various military personnel standing at ground zero after the first test in normal clothes. Why did they build a huge pile of high explosive at the test site to simulate a 'nuclear explosion'?

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The use of terror symbols in world-shaping is masked by their resulting experience of those who share their fruits as a dramatically boosted identity.


The linked video interview segments document in methodically understated terms, the bending & buying of 'the science' by which to assert and define risks, to hype media fear, to attract support & funding, for regulatory capture to arbitrary modelling, running in funded & framed 'research' that runs a control mindset on emotional energy set in managed imagery.

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