Trust is always extended to something - whether shifting thoughts, uncovered principle or inspired purpose. The key is to notice what - in the moment we are embodying as an expression of our current choice or subconscious default to habits or unrecognised choices.
Trusting yourself and your life is bedrock. If you lie or pretend to yourself, you will reap a loss of peace! But recognising we already do, is not a blame game, but a personal and social masking by which we entangle with others in negative synchronicity of misplaced trust.
Is there still room for the idea that the vaccines were not intended as a bioweapon to reduce populations but are instead 'gene therapy' to modify people - perhaps in preparation for further tweakery - and that the adverse effects (incl. deaths) are arising in those whose systems are just not compatible for whatever reason(s)?
In line with the article published on The Boom Review Probiotics, Antibiotics and Bacteria, yes. Given that horizontal gene transfer (HGT) has been shown to happen cross species and inter species, and perhaps because mitochondria seem to be part bacterial DNA and a target for arsenic. It is very possible there may be an attempt to confer HGT to cells to prevent entry of arsenic. As arsenic binds with other essential elements-sulphur/phosphate and boots out zinc I think this theory is potentially problematic. There are other targets however that may well work. Lots more digging to do!
It's certainly possible, but I suppose I then go back to the question; why do 'they' need this? It seems like an unnecessarily complicated (and visible!) way of going about their business.
And then there's just so much of the jab = depop bioweapon narrative we were fed that doesn't stack up – I didn't include this in this article, but see for instance here: "Total fertility rate rises for first time in a decade in England and Wales" ( I remember watching that interview with Jon Snow and Sir John Bell (, where he appeared to suggest that this was the intended purpose – and maybe it was, but if we analyse the situation in military terms, we then understand that organisations such as 'pharma companies' are essentially strategic assets – assets that can be infiltrated by all sides, and their 'behaviour' modified by whoever or whatever is controlling them. They are not inherently good or bad, in the same way that it's not 'guns that kill people'.
But going back to my earlier point – if what the Guardian is reporting is true (and anecdotal evidence suggests it is – everyone I know is vaccinated, and a great many have had children in the last year), then either the jab that was meant to make everyone sterile isn't working as planned, or as Ayn Rand put it, one of our premises is incorrect. I believe it is the latter.
If they were targeting children or teenagers with an anti-fertility shot then the results wouldn't become apparent for some years. That interview was chilling.
Another thought I had this morning; assuming that it is, indeed the intent, and a 'slow burner' – i.e. effects won't be felt for years to come – why was it even needed? The birth rate was plummeting anyway, and there are plenty of other methods available to control it (relentless propaganda about how we're all doomed because of 'climate change' or whatever is one way, inflated living costs, promoting disharmony between citizens, demoralisation etc).
Something else like what, do you think? He definitely said "sterilise". Did you see the video of Boris Johnson saying "the virus" had to be stored below 70°? Both those videos were still up last time I looked.
Essentially, he could have been talking about it in the context of killing off the 'virus'. Whether or not that is what he meant is open to speculation, but there are other markers I mentioned here and elsewhere that have left me doubting the idea that this is some sort of depopulation device.
So vaccinations may or may not have anything to do with it? The non-vaccinated shouldn't go around frightening people that the vaccinated are all doomed. Have you sold this report to Pfizer yet? (humour). Points you avoid: Why there was a co-ordinated effort on behalf of most governments to force the 'vaccine' on their populations. Why do most people show abnormalities in their blood after the vaccination. Why are undertakers reporting many more deaths in younger people since the introduction of the vaccine.
Well given that the excess mortality (in the UK at least) predates the rollout, it's hard to see how they would have anything to do with it. Deaths went up in the US following the rollout, but it's hard to say by how much (given the fact the figures seem to vary), and furthermore, as discussed, they were already trending up.
With regards to the coercion – it seems to me that this mainly came (as mentioned in the article) from various media 'pundits', as opposed to politicians. I don't recall, for instance, Boris or Trump attempting to intimidate, mock, ridicule or bully anyone into having it (although some 'politicians' certainly did). As to why; it's the fog of war. As Sun Tzu said "all warfare is based on deception". Once you start to analyse the whole situation through that lens, everything changes (at least, it did for me). We could flip the question then and ask; why are certain individuals in government, and elsewhere, seemingly desperate to make out that the vaccines are THE problem? (coercion, bullying is needed to create that impression – why do they want me to take this thing so badly? It must be bad! Reverse psychology). And the reason for this, I believe, is what was mentioned above RE: clioquinol.
To answer your point on blood abnormalities – there are other variables at play, as we've discussed already on Twitter – the vaccinated for example, are potentially more exposed than others (most of them – at least that I know of – took the jab so they could travel). I'm also not sure I fully trust these reports – see the Mike Adams article we were discussing the other day, and the various things they allegedly found in blood clots.
This is a much needed dose of common sense and reality.
Like you say, we did all think people would die from respiratory disease beginning 2021, and now we're saying it will take 5 months of depressed detoxification and everyone will die in 2022.
As a bioweapon, the mRNA jab is a pretty odd way of going about things.
The Powers that Shouldn't Be pretty much have it in their ability to cut off our food supply tomorrow so why bother with all this.
Thank you Jo! Glad you thought it was interesting, and yes, exactly that. I was just watching yesterday a roundtable discussion with Dolores Cahill, who it would now appear, has become a 'virus sceptic' (even though she seems to have spent most of her career developing 'vaccines', and was one of those claiming that all those taking the jab would die come winter when they 're-encounter the virus in the wild'). I quite enjoyed the article here:
Either these 'experts' have no idea what they're talking about (which then begs the question; how is it possible that they've spent so many years developing compounds they don't fully understand), or they've been leading us down the garden path since the beginning (there may be other possibilities, but I'm a little tired this morning so brain isn't fully functioning 😅).
Have a nice Sunday, and thank you for the thoughtful comment.
It does make us also wonder if they were developing drugs for something that they didn’t fully understand, is that why the drugs have sometimes caused more trouble than the illness itself?
Yes, very possibly – certainly, the fact they're not upfront about the apparent mode of action is a problem in of itself. If these are, indeed, chelators (which doesn't seem to be something that is readily acknowledged – perhaps because it would give the game away), then in theory anyone taking such a compound should ensure they supplement adequately to prevent deficiencies.
I went ahead and added your Substack to the Terrain Train mailer for October, so hopefully that's okay. The idea is to share this around and help everyone get more subscribers. Just let me know if that's not okay and I'll remove you ...
No that's great, thank you! Looking forward to it. I think I've already recommended some on the list (yours, Mike Stone etc), but looking forward to discovering more.
Maybe this is the ultimate aim? Rendering recipients of the patented RNA (including the offspring of mothers who've been injected) inhuman therefore not protected by Human Rights legislation with all that entails? (Those who survive anyway).
We are not sure that delivering mRNA is as easy as they claim and are digging in to the other elements of the jabs to see if we can shed light on this potential route of enquiry. Everyone’s view is of course valid and all possibilities should be looked at.
Apologies, I didn't mean to sound dismissive. It's been a long day. No, everyone is entitled to their point of view on the matter – all I was saying is that I'm not convinced that these are 'gene modifying' serums – and insofar as they may be, it's not obvious to me either that they're being pushed for nefarious purposes. It is, of course, possible that I / we have got the wrong end of the stick altogether.
Thank you – I haven't looked at this group specifically (I don't have a Facebook account), but I've seen and heard the stories – they're constantly being shared on social media. It's literally THE topic that the entire alternative media-verse has obsessed over, since the very beginning.
What I was getting at in this article is that:
a.) it's unclear whether we can trust these reports (I don't know anyone personally that fits the pattern described)
b.) there is good reason (in my view) to believe all of this is being used by certain parties to draw attention away from the actual problem
c.) the vaccine narrative does not explain excess deaths predating the rollout (or the many 'mysterious disease' outbreaks – unless of course you buy into 'shedding')
d.) I know this has become almost a 'meme' but I actually think it's relevant – correlation does not equal causation. If the other observations are correct, it's quite 'easy' to set things up in such a way as to give the illusion that something else is the issue – see for example the articles on scurvy and SMON.
If you don't think the "vaccines" are intentionally or unintentionally dangerous, why did you choose not to take them? Why do you trust the people who responded to your Twitter poll more than those sharing their stories of jabbed dead and injured friends and family on Facebook?
Give a placebo to a group of people who have been first isolated and set in fear
that is offered, incentivised and insinuated to be a route out of fear and back to some normality.
But then persist the fear while serving up a predicatable counter fear of genetic damage, blood clotting, sudden death - and in fact every and any kind of disease symptom.
So from paranoia of ours or others breath dealing death, we (many of us) are impregnated with a ticking time bomb - boosted by the widespread fear of the vaccine as a direct bioweapon.
What am I getting at?
That in addition to any possible or chemical, bio-nanotech or bio genetic injection is a mind capture of nocebo. You can also see that as voodoo or black magic of a manipulated unconsciousness.
Those who recognise the call to fear and guilt as nothing else can also recognise the Call to realign in and of sovereign integral. Waking is not to nightmare but to its release or undoing as a result of recognising we don't want what it offers or represents.
IF the narrative identity of irrevocably damaged genes can be installed or incepted into humanity via shock/fear & guilted sin or betrayal, then the biotech control system has 'permission to run'.
(This is revisiting our starting place as a splitting off of mind within a construct rendered invisible by living from it, and within it, unseeing).
Machine intelligence begins with imaginative modelling or predictive imagination fitted to a machined, manipulated or controlled outcome or goal. That it developed to deep computer programs fed ever more granular QUANTIFIED data flowing into currently recognised parameters, to reveal desired or chosen outcomes leveraged by means of pre-emptive controls as if to 'create' life from a dissociative sense of judgement set over and apart from life, is the result of GIGO - Garbage in; garbage out.
The result of judging is being judged - in the measure set. This is not obvious to the righteous attack on an unrecognised 'enemy' projected onto valid feedback to a conflicted communication.
Subjection to a 'world' made by judgement is a result of what we wanted real, as an attempt to set our own personal reality over a wholeness, that denies others and our self.
There are psychic-emotional basis for wanting an external agency to blame as escape from a deeper self-knowledge that conflicts with currently held personal & social identity. But then the unfaced issues persist through the masking or repackaging of 'solutions' that deliver a temporary 'security' in exchange for unconsciousness to a system by which NOT to see or know what we are unwilling or unready to accept.
Insofar as we seek to boost our narrative 'identity' we are stakeholders in that which gives us meaning. My witness is that guilt usurps an integral innocence of being to mask in personae of a cast out representation of wholeness through the lens or mind of division, and dissociating fragmentation.
A Reset to those who so choose or default to accept is an expansion of a greater embrace to those who release a self-reinforcing futility in acceptance of a life they do not manufacture, but give & receive in equity of being as integral sovereignty - not set or seeking to lord it over.
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the king’s horses and all the king’s men
Couldn’t put Humpty together again.
is it not curious that failure to reinstate a lost golden age or gain a utopian future became a stitched up composite or humpty-dumpty pathogenetic dogma by which to keep its 'king' crowned as power set over life, boosted by the sacrifice of the living?
The power of the mind is generally and largely hidden. Not least by identifying under a narrative identity dictate.
Narrative identity is conflicted by definition and projects its conflict to external targets.
I could call this 'the deceiver' by which we do unto ourselves unknowing - not least because we seek not to know what we fearfully believe by setting into masking denial, dissociation, and projection.
The narrative being peddled all have a resonance with separation trauma and its strategies of fragmentation as 'survival'.
Unless we choose to die in our illusions, we must die to them or take up our bed and walk out of the frame of a fear driven mindset. Yet stakeholders to invested identity cannot recognise their own predicament while clinging to what they thought to gain, set against what they feared as cost.
Hacking the mind is the usurper. Those who steal fear being stolen back, or brought to retribution. So fear steals our capacity to rest in knowing that we are, by telling us 'what we are' in frame of guilted fears.
One more thing... the attempt to mask or repackage conflicted fear, pain or loss in magical solutions, gives power to false associations and wishful thinking to then operate back on its maker with the original conflicts running through the lens and frame of the 'solution'.
The way out of an impossible situation is to realise you are not in it. (ACIM)
To the ego this is beyond belief because the ego of such a situation was made by belief.
The willingness to suspend active disbelief running as judgemental self-certainty allows the spirit and nature of truth to move through us, and so reflect to us.
This is the 'beginner's mind' of an innocent perception. In place of a mind hack running in our name and under our protection.
One question; I understand why they would use a virus as cover for something more sinister and invisible but why create a new vaccine at all? If they even did. Since many medical professionals likened it to nothing more than a bad flu in the early weeks at least, they had a window of opportunity there to simply utilise the existing flu vax and encourage take up of that? I do realise that the narrative then altered to "it's not just the flu", presumably to encourage greater take up but why was it so important that so many have the 'new' vax in order to cement the virus theory? Also, I've read nothing yet, from anyone anywhere, that leads me to believe ANY vaccines are a good thing, since I don't believe viruses are actually a thing.
Thank you Helen! Given that 'viruses' seem to always be used as cover for some form or other of poisoning (and there's one poison in particular that seems to come up, over and over), it is possible that the 'vaccines' are there to 'stimulate an immune response' (detox) OR help with it.
Consider for instance the example of clioquinol mentioned in the article – it would appear its underlying mode of action is that of a chelator (see for instance: The trouble with chelators is that they can be almost too effective, and they can remove too much, and indiscriminately. The result is you end up with 'deficiencies' (
Chelation therapy itself carries some risks; "Chelation is a very effective way to treat heavy metal poisoning ... Side effects of chelation treatment may include headaches, rash, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain." (see:
I am not saying that the 'vaccines' are doing that, but that this is one possibility that we should explore, especially when we consider the fact that the vast majority of the reported 'side effects' appear to be generic 'detox symptoms'.
We need to be analysing things at a molecular and chemical level, but it is extremely complicated, and not made any easier by the fact there's so much noise surrounding the contents of these things.
The latest paper we came across that claims to analyse the contents of the vials (see:, suggests that among other things, they contain sulphur, which is interesting given Caroline's work on how arsenic interacts with sulphur (also note how in this study, they don't appear to have found any trace of graphene oxide etc). Caroline is working hard to try and work out how these different compounds interact with one another, but as I say it's a mammoth task, and kudos to her for the effort.
In the meantime, whilst I appreciate this is not really answering the question, the film Batman Begins, provides, in my view a good analogy for what I believe to be going on. In short; the 'League of Shadows' – a secret society, "whose stated purpose was to restore balance to the world by enacting purges at various points in history" (resets in other words – see, plans on taking down Gotham by disseminating a nerve agent through the water mains that will later become aerosolised. Bruce Wayne (Batman) who, was once, an insider, goes up against them. His company develops an anti-toxin (antidote) that is to be distributed to the residents of Gotham (I can't remember how, and whether the method of delivery is even detailed). The point I'm making here, and attempted to make in the article, is that it may be that those who we think are trying to harm us, are not. The League of Shadows operates, well, in the shadows. Nobody, other than Batman and other 'insiders', knows who they are, or what they're up to. The general public who is not proxy to this information, when seeing things going wrong, go after Batman, the police, the politicians etc – those who are visible. Some food for thought.
are you saying the destruction of small businesses, careers and lives are collateral damage and that the indemnity free $billions big pharma is making out of mRNA vaccines for a virus that doesn't exist are a happy side product of them trying to protect us from some other poisoning operation going on being perpetrated by the real villains???
Well I wouldn't say it's a 'happy side product'. I made considerable losses throughout this whole saga (material and other) – some potentially could have been avoided with better decision-making, but the point is, I'm not exactly happy about it (although plenty of positives have come out of this whole situation – this conversation that we're having now for instance).
With regards to the 'imaginary virus' – if the observations we have made are correct, then although it is not a 'virus' in the way we think of it, it's also not 'nothing' (as I mentioned at the start). If Bolsonaro for instance, was correct when he said that COVID is cover for 'chemical and radiological' warfare, then it's pretty obvious that COVID is not 'nothing', and that yes, some of the measures taken by the apparent tyrants, were taken to protect people. It's interesting to note, for example, looking through the historical texts, that at the end of the 19th century, cloth-based facemasks were used to avoid inhaling arsenic dust. It's also interesting to note that alpha particles can be blocked by a single sheet of paper, and that people treated with radioiodine are told to stay several feet apart from others. Caroline has written extensively on all of this, recommend reading the early articles on her Substack.
I am not entirely convinced that these are 'mRNA vaccines' (as mentioned in the article), and as mentioned in the comment above, I do not think that there is such a thing as 'big pharma'. It's an abstraction. What these entities do depends entirely on who controls the asset.
But to answer your question; if we accept the premise that COVID is not nothing, then it stands to reason that some of the measures taken were not simply enacted for the purpose of grinding us all down face first into the mud. Ideally, it shouldn't have happened, but who do we blame – those who enacted the measures, or those who forced their hand?
Thank you, yes I believe all this must happen to awaken our conscientiousness and bring us together.
I think I would say that Covid is in fact nothing. In that the pneumonia deaths were caused by 'normal' pollution and the spike in deaths (after 5 years of low excess deaths) with median age of 83 was caused by forced ventilation, midazolam and remdesiver.
Big pharma are the large multinational companies who torture animals and develop drugs that by their own stated aims do not work and make people sicker, openly making huge profits, who's share holders sit on advisory committees, in NGO and in governments.
No-one is to blame for enacting measures, or forcing others to do so. We are all part of the collective of egos that created society/the algorithm/the Beast of capitalism. And none of us is to blame for doing that or what our ego/fear/self hate/conditioning/socialization tell us to do.
I believe our true natures are compassionate, forgiving and free, and we release them by awareness practice.
If you look at Polio - (and in my opinion 1918) - you find a cover story in which the 'victim' is buried below the basis for a 'new technological breakthrough' (that reall wasnt), but it served as a foundation from which to grow the use of contagion fear for conditioning medical dependency so as to develop global controls by stealth.
The pretext is whatever serves the ratcheting up of controls that ensure the funding or sacrifice of life to securitised and protected power.
I had a feeling that you and Caroline were working up to saying that the jabs were potentially a good thing, and you have proven me right.
I personally find this utterly perverse and bizarre, and also insulting to those who've been damaged by the jabs:
"In the meantime, whilst I appreciate this is not really answering the question, the film Batman Begins, provides, in my view a good analogy for what I believe to be going on. In short; the 'League of Shadows' – a secret society, "whose stated purpose was to restore balance to the world by enacting purges at various points in history" (resets in other words – see, plans on taking down Gotham by disseminating a nerve agent through the water mains that will later become aerosolised. Bruce Wayne (Batman) who, was once, an insider, goes up against them. His company develops an anti-toxin (antidote) that is to be distributed to the residents of Gotham (I can't remember how, and whether the method of delivery is even detailed). The point I'm making here, and attempted to make in the article, is that it may be that those who we think are trying to harm us, are not. The League of Shadows operates, well, in the shadows. Nobody, other than Batman and other 'insiders', knows who they are, or what they're up to. The general public who is not proxy to this information, when seeing things going wrong, go after Batman, the police, the politicians etc – those who are visible. Some food for thought."
Re this quote from your post: "I am not saying that the 'vaccines' are doing that, but that this is one possibility that we should explore, especially when we consider the fact that the vast majority of the reported 'side effects' appear to be generic 'detox symptoms'. "
Surely one of the most common adverse reactions is blood clotting, which is not, to my knowledge, a detox symptom.
Please read the article The Battle Field on The Boom Review Substack. Seb and I work together so reading both would be useful in this context. We are focused on arsenic due to high arsenic levels in hair in people living in areas we believe to be of importance to groups related to underground trafficking, smuggling etc. The symptoms are an exact match for covid particularly the cardiovascular symptoms. It is free to read.
No there are no vaccines that are a good thing from the original and worst from Alfred Wallace in 1898 'This brief statement of the early history of vaccination has been introduced here in order to give what seems to be a probable explanation of the remarkable fact that a large portion of the medical profession accepted, as proved, that vaccination protected against a subsequent inoculation of small-pox, when in reality there was no such proof, as the subsequent history of small-pox epidemics has shown. Again and again they asked the witnesses above referred to to explain how it was possible that so many educated specialists could be thus deceived.” and on to the present day
I think everyone knows (or most people) that the flu vacs don't work so they needed something new, exciting, cutting edge and more convincing.
They were hedging their bets in the beginning, not knowing how much we were going to fall for the propaganda nonsense. They must have been pleasantly surprised.
They also wanted to test and normalise mRNA technology which I think they want to use for cancer and all sorts.
The irreversibly damaged gene theory has a LOT of mileage for a reset to a bio security state, with the underlying fear of total surveilance (nanotech in the biofield).
To what extent does accepted belief EXPECT and make manifest a physical experience to reinforce the inner conviction? Esp when mass hypnosis applies?
We cannot recognise the world that our ancestors lived because the 'world' is part of the modelling of self-experience?
If you can follow this far you may intuit why ANY masking 'reality' saves us from loss of a sense of object continuity which we call 'time and space'. But true Continuity is not in object models derived from self-image. But Always. This is beneath the masking by which to engage in a specific unfolding of experience as a developing consciousness.
Narratives shift and mutate as a strategy of evasion presented as progress or achievement.
An awakening narrative offers a bridge to presence that moves us - as distinct from manipulating a presentation.
I looked for your question as I hadnt seen it in what you thought was my answer!
The fundamental underpinning of the proposed 'new order' is biotechnology as convergence of tech surveillance and control systems.
Virus feary was only used to enable the shock tactic of false 'pandemic' from made up virus around the patented GoF of the S-protein - that is set as the purported goal of the 'biotech™ gene-hacking agenda.
All of which to implement preset lockstepping drills and contracts that switched to a global coup with means to generate other threats, wars, diversions and disinformation on a public that is so far behind the curve that it will never catch up - excepting to come back to the intuitive recognition of a manipulative or false intent and trust their own being instead of experts OR expertly manipulated opposition.
Vaccines are an attempt to make a science out of token or limited sacrifice as a means to evade or mitigate fear of greater penalty. They are poisons or else there would be no so called immune response. The history of poisons as 'cures' runs parallel with supplications to abusers or powers associated with delivery of pain and loss, or with competing powers to drive out the disease condition. To say this is magical thinking needs also to acknowledge it underlies what we take to be a rational superstructure! Archetypal patterns underlie our sense of self and world as subconscious interplay of meanings.
You are right - there was no pandemic but for the shouting and a WHO redefinition of the term that took out severity, death or highly infectious such that any cold season would qualify.
(Its definition is the basis for legal contracts set with govs around the world).
At this point in time i trust nothing
Trust is always extended to something - whether shifting thoughts, uncovered principle or inspired purpose. The key is to notice what - in the moment we are embodying as an expression of our current choice or subconscious default to habits or unrecognised choices.
Trusting yourself and your life is bedrock. If you lie or pretend to yourself, you will reap a loss of peace! But recognising we already do, is not a blame game, but a personal and social masking by which we entangle with others in negative synchronicity of misplaced trust.
Yes.....and thanks for responding.....I'm trusting myself these days like never before.
Is there still room for the idea that the vaccines were not intended as a bioweapon to reduce populations but are instead 'gene therapy' to modify people - perhaps in preparation for further tweakery - and that the adverse effects (incl. deaths) are arising in those whose systems are just not compatible for whatever reason(s)?
In line with the article published on The Boom Review Probiotics, Antibiotics and Bacteria, yes. Given that horizontal gene transfer (HGT) has been shown to happen cross species and inter species, and perhaps because mitochondria seem to be part bacterial DNA and a target for arsenic. It is very possible there may be an attempt to confer HGT to cells to prevent entry of arsenic. As arsenic binds with other essential elements-sulphur/phosphate and boots out zinc I think this theory is potentially problematic. There are other targets however that may well work. Lots more digging to do!
It's certainly possible, but I suppose I then go back to the question; why do 'they' need this? It seems like an unnecessarily complicated (and visible!) way of going about their business.
And then there's just so much of the jab = depop bioweapon narrative we were fed that doesn't stack up – I didn't include this in this article, but see for instance here: "Total fertility rate rises for first time in a decade in England and Wales" ( I remember watching that interview with Jon Snow and Sir John Bell (, where he appeared to suggest that this was the intended purpose – and maybe it was, but if we analyse the situation in military terms, we then understand that organisations such as 'pharma companies' are essentially strategic assets – assets that can be infiltrated by all sides, and their 'behaviour' modified by whoever or whatever is controlling them. They are not inherently good or bad, in the same way that it's not 'guns that kill people'.
But going back to my earlier point – if what the Guardian is reporting is true (and anecdotal evidence suggests it is – everyone I know is vaccinated, and a great many have had children in the last year), then either the jab that was meant to make everyone sterile isn't working as planned, or as Ayn Rand put it, one of our premises is incorrect. I believe it is the latter.
If they were targeting children or teenagers with an anti-fertility shot then the results wouldn't become apparent for some years. That interview was chilling.
I think it's possible his remarks were misinterpreted – I thought so too at the time, but in hindsight, I think he was actually saying something else.
Another thought I had this morning; assuming that it is, indeed the intent, and a 'slow burner' – i.e. effects won't be felt for years to come – why was it even needed? The birth rate was plummeting anyway, and there are plenty of other methods available to control it (relentless propaganda about how we're all doomed because of 'climate change' or whatever is one way, inflated living costs, promoting disharmony between citizens, demoralisation etc).
Something else like what, do you think? He definitely said "sterilise". Did you see the video of Boris Johnson saying "the virus" had to be stored below 70°? Both those videos were still up last time I looked.
See the Tweet here – I think he may be correct:
Essentially, he could have been talking about it in the context of killing off the 'virus'. Whether or not that is what he meant is open to speculation, but there are other markers I mentioned here and elsewhere that have left me doubting the idea that this is some sort of depopulation device.
Time will tell. They were both acting really strangely though.
So vaccinations may or may not have anything to do with it? The non-vaccinated shouldn't go around frightening people that the vaccinated are all doomed. Have you sold this report to Pfizer yet? (humour). Points you avoid: Why there was a co-ordinated effort on behalf of most governments to force the 'vaccine' on their populations. Why do most people show abnormalities in their blood after the vaccination. Why are undertakers reporting many more deaths in younger people since the introduction of the vaccine.
Well given that the excess mortality (in the UK at least) predates the rollout, it's hard to see how they would have anything to do with it. Deaths went up in the US following the rollout, but it's hard to say by how much (given the fact the figures seem to vary), and furthermore, as discussed, they were already trending up.
With regards to the coercion – it seems to me that this mainly came (as mentioned in the article) from various media 'pundits', as opposed to politicians. I don't recall, for instance, Boris or Trump attempting to intimidate, mock, ridicule or bully anyone into having it (although some 'politicians' certainly did). As to why; it's the fog of war. As Sun Tzu said "all warfare is based on deception". Once you start to analyse the whole situation through that lens, everything changes (at least, it did for me). We could flip the question then and ask; why are certain individuals in government, and elsewhere, seemingly desperate to make out that the vaccines are THE problem? (coercion, bullying is needed to create that impression – why do they want me to take this thing so badly? It must be bad! Reverse psychology). And the reason for this, I believe, is what was mentioned above RE: clioquinol.
To answer your point on blood abnormalities – there are other variables at play, as we've discussed already on Twitter – the vaccinated for example, are potentially more exposed than others (most of them – at least that I know of – took the jab so they could travel). I'm also not sure I fully trust these reports – see the Mike Adams article we were discussing the other day, and the various things they allegedly found in blood clots.
thank you SP and CC.
This is a much needed dose of common sense and reality.
Like you say, we did all think people would die from respiratory disease beginning 2021, and now we're saying it will take 5 months of depressed detoxification and everyone will die in 2022.
As a bioweapon, the mRNA jab is a pretty odd way of going about things.
The Powers that Shouldn't Be pretty much have it in their ability to cut off our food supply tomorrow so why bother with all this.
Thank you Jo! Glad you thought it was interesting, and yes, exactly that. I was just watching yesterday a roundtable discussion with Dolores Cahill, who it would now appear, has become a 'virus sceptic' (even though she seems to have spent most of her career developing 'vaccines', and was one of those claiming that all those taking the jab would die come winter when they 're-encounter the virus in the wild'). I quite enjoyed the article here:
Either these 'experts' have no idea what they're talking about (which then begs the question; how is it possible that they've spent so many years developing compounds they don't fully understand), or they've been leading us down the garden path since the beginning (there may be other possibilities, but I'm a little tired this morning so brain isn't fully functioning 😅).
Have a nice Sunday, and thank you for the thoughtful comment.
It does make us also wonder if they were developing drugs for something that they didn’t fully understand, is that why the drugs have sometimes caused more trouble than the illness itself?
Yes, very possibly – certainly, the fact they're not upfront about the apparent mode of action is a problem in of itself. If these are, indeed, chelators (which doesn't seem to be something that is readily acknowledged – perhaps because it would give the game away), then in theory anyone taking such a compound should ensure they supplement adequately to prevent deficiencies.
Hi there, Sebastien! wanting to verify that I didn't overlook your desire to participate in the Terrain Train ... If I did, just let me know. Otherwise, I'll quit bugging you. 🙏
Hey Sol! Apologies, I completely missed this. Thank you for the reminder, I'll have a look at it now.
I went ahead and added your Substack to the Terrain Train mailer for October, so hopefully that's okay. The idea is to share this around and help everyone get more subscribers. Just let me know if that's not okay and I'll remove you ...
No that's great, thank you! Looking forward to it. I think I've already recommended some on the list (yours, Mike Stone etc), but looking forward to discovering more.
Right on. Then when this goes live we'll all be re-blogging the list, sharing it with our email lists, etc.
Would really love to have you onboard, Sebastien! I looked for your name name/URL in the comments, but maybe I missed it. Anyway, it's still not too late to sign on ...
Maybe this is the ultimate aim? Rendering recipients of the patented RNA (including the offspring of mothers who've been injected) inhuman therefore not protected by Human Rights legislation with all that entails? (Those who survive anyway).
See Caroline's last article – it would appear that genetic modification, is not quite as straightforward as some believe it to be.
Is Caroline's view on this more valid than than one I've posted?
We are not sure that delivering mRNA is as easy as they claim and are digging in to the other elements of the jabs to see if we can shed light on this potential route of enquiry. Everyone’s view is of course valid and all possibilities should be looked at.
So what is your view of the study I posted above?
Apologies, I didn't mean to sound dismissive. It's been a long day. No, everyone is entitled to their point of view on the matter – all I was saying is that I'm not convinced that these are 'gene modifying' serums – and insofar as they may be, it's not obvious to me either that they're being pushed for nefarious purposes. It is, of course, possible that I / we have got the wrong end of the stick altogether.
Maybe have a look at the "Died Suddenly News" FB group then, people's personal testimonies are horrific.
Thank you – I haven't looked at this group specifically (I don't have a Facebook account), but I've seen and heard the stories – they're constantly being shared on social media. It's literally THE topic that the entire alternative media-verse has obsessed over, since the very beginning.
What I was getting at in this article is that:
a.) it's unclear whether we can trust these reports (I don't know anyone personally that fits the pattern described)
b.) there is good reason (in my view) to believe all of this is being used by certain parties to draw attention away from the actual problem
c.) the vaccine narrative does not explain excess deaths predating the rollout (or the many 'mysterious disease' outbreaks – unless of course you buy into 'shedding')
d.) I know this has become almost a 'meme' but I actually think it's relevant – correlation does not equal causation. If the other observations are correct, it's quite 'easy' to set things up in such a way as to give the illusion that something else is the issue – see for example the articles on scurvy and SMON.
If you don't think the "vaccines" are intentionally or unintentionally dangerous, why did you choose not to take them? Why do you trust the people who responded to your Twitter poll more than those sharing their stories of jabbed dead and injured friends and family on Facebook?
Excellent article Seb. Much to ponder on here. It certainly puts things in a different perspective
Thank you Dean! Appreciate that, and glad it's achieved it's purpose.
Study on the blood of the vaccinated.
Thought experiment:
Give a placebo to a group of people who have been first isolated and set in fear
that is offered, incentivised and insinuated to be a route out of fear and back to some normality.
But then persist the fear while serving up a predicatable counter fear of genetic damage, blood clotting, sudden death - and in fact every and any kind of disease symptom.
So from paranoia of ours or others breath dealing death, we (many of us) are impregnated with a ticking time bomb - boosted by the widespread fear of the vaccine as a direct bioweapon.
What am I getting at?
That in addition to any possible or chemical, bio-nanotech or bio genetic injection is a mind capture of nocebo. You can also see that as voodoo or black magic of a manipulated unconsciousness.
Those who recognise the call to fear and guilt as nothing else can also recognise the Call to realign in and of sovereign integral. Waking is not to nightmare but to its release or undoing as a result of recognising we don't want what it offers or represents.
IF the narrative identity of irrevocably damaged genes can be installed or incepted into humanity via shock/fear & guilted sin or betrayal, then the biotech control system has 'permission to run'.
(This is revisiting our starting place as a splitting off of mind within a construct rendered invisible by living from it, and within it, unseeing).
Machine intelligence begins with imaginative modelling or predictive imagination fitted to a machined, manipulated or controlled outcome or goal. That it developed to deep computer programs fed ever more granular QUANTIFIED data flowing into currently recognised parameters, to reveal desired or chosen outcomes leveraged by means of pre-emptive controls as if to 'create' life from a dissociative sense of judgement set over and apart from life, is the result of GIGO - Garbage in; garbage out.
The result of judging is being judged - in the measure set. This is not obvious to the righteous attack on an unrecognised 'enemy' projected onto valid feedback to a conflicted communication.
Subjection to a 'world' made by judgement is a result of what we wanted real, as an attempt to set our own personal reality over a wholeness, that denies others and our self.
There are psychic-emotional basis for wanting an external agency to blame as escape from a deeper self-knowledge that conflicts with currently held personal & social identity. But then the unfaced issues persist through the masking or repackaging of 'solutions' that deliver a temporary 'security' in exchange for unconsciousness to a system by which NOT to see or know what we are unwilling or unready to accept.
Insofar as we seek to boost our narrative 'identity' we are stakeholders in that which gives us meaning. My witness is that guilt usurps an integral innocence of being to mask in personae of a cast out representation of wholeness through the lens or mind of division, and dissociating fragmentation.
A Reset to those who so choose or default to accept is an expansion of a greater embrace to those who release a self-reinforcing futility in acceptance of a life they do not manufacture, but give & receive in equity of being as integral sovereignty - not set or seeking to lord it over.
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the king’s horses and all the king’s men
Couldn’t put Humpty together again.
is it not curious that failure to reinstate a lost golden age or gain a utopian future became a stitched up composite or humpty-dumpty pathogenetic dogma by which to keep its 'king' crowned as power set over life, boosted by the sacrifice of the living?
The power of the mind is generally and largely hidden. Not least by identifying under a narrative identity dictate.
Narrative identity is conflicted by definition and projects its conflict to external targets.
I could call this 'the deceiver' by which we do unto ourselves unknowing - not least because we seek not to know what we fearfully believe by setting into masking denial, dissociation, and projection.
The narrative being peddled all have a resonance with separation trauma and its strategies of fragmentation as 'survival'.
Unless we choose to die in our illusions, we must die to them or take up our bed and walk out of the frame of a fear driven mindset. Yet stakeholders to invested identity cannot recognise their own predicament while clinging to what they thought to gain, set against what they feared as cost.
Hacking the mind is the usurper. Those who steal fear being stolen back, or brought to retribution. So fear steals our capacity to rest in knowing that we are, by telling us 'what we are' in frame of guilted fears.
One more thing... the attempt to mask or repackage conflicted fear, pain or loss in magical solutions, gives power to false associations and wishful thinking to then operate back on its maker with the original conflicts running through the lens and frame of the 'solution'.
The way out of an impossible situation is to realise you are not in it. (ACIM)
To the ego this is beyond belief because the ego of such a situation was made by belief.
The willingness to suspend active disbelief running as judgemental self-certainty allows the spirit and nature of truth to move through us, and so reflect to us.
This is the 'beginner's mind' of an innocent perception. In place of a mind hack running in our name and under our protection.
Brilliant disembling, VMT Seb.
One question; I understand why they would use a virus as cover for something more sinister and invisible but why create a new vaccine at all? If they even did. Since many medical professionals likened it to nothing more than a bad flu in the early weeks at least, they had a window of opportunity there to simply utilise the existing flu vax and encourage take up of that? I do realise that the narrative then altered to "it's not just the flu", presumably to encourage greater take up but why was it so important that so many have the 'new' vax in order to cement the virus theory? Also, I've read nothing yet, from anyone anywhere, that leads me to believe ANY vaccines are a good thing, since I don't believe viruses are actually a thing.
Thank you Helen! Given that 'viruses' seem to always be used as cover for some form or other of poisoning (and there's one poison in particular that seems to come up, over and over), it is possible that the 'vaccines' are there to 'stimulate an immune response' (detox) OR help with it.
Consider for instance the example of clioquinol mentioned in the article – it would appear its underlying mode of action is that of a chelator (see for instance: The trouble with chelators is that they can be almost too effective, and they can remove too much, and indiscriminately. The result is you end up with 'deficiencies' (
Chelation therapy itself carries some risks; "Chelation is a very effective way to treat heavy metal poisoning ... Side effects of chelation treatment may include headaches, rash, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain." (see:
I am not saying that the 'vaccines' are doing that, but that this is one possibility that we should explore, especially when we consider the fact that the vast majority of the reported 'side effects' appear to be generic 'detox symptoms'.
We need to be analysing things at a molecular and chemical level, but it is extremely complicated, and not made any easier by the fact there's so much noise surrounding the contents of these things.
The latest paper we came across that claims to analyse the contents of the vials (see:, suggests that among other things, they contain sulphur, which is interesting given Caroline's work on how arsenic interacts with sulphur (also note how in this study, they don't appear to have found any trace of graphene oxide etc). Caroline is working hard to try and work out how these different compounds interact with one another, but as I say it's a mammoth task, and kudos to her for the effort.
In the meantime, whilst I appreciate this is not really answering the question, the film Batman Begins, provides, in my view a good analogy for what I believe to be going on. In short; the 'League of Shadows' – a secret society, "whose stated purpose was to restore balance to the world by enacting purges at various points in history" (resets in other words – see, plans on taking down Gotham by disseminating a nerve agent through the water mains that will later become aerosolised. Bruce Wayne (Batman) who, was once, an insider, goes up against them. His company develops an anti-toxin (antidote) that is to be distributed to the residents of Gotham (I can't remember how, and whether the method of delivery is even detailed). The point I'm making here, and attempted to make in the article, is that it may be that those who we think are trying to harm us, are not. The League of Shadows operates, well, in the shadows. Nobody, other than Batman and other 'insiders', knows who they are, or what they're up to. The general public who is not proxy to this information, when seeing things going wrong, go after Batman, the police, the politicians etc – those who are visible. Some food for thought.
Really helpful response, thank you 🙂
are you saying the destruction of small businesses, careers and lives are collateral damage and that the indemnity free $billions big pharma is making out of mRNA vaccines for a virus that doesn't exist are a happy side product of them trying to protect us from some other poisoning operation going on being perpetrated by the real villains???
Well I wouldn't say it's a 'happy side product'. I made considerable losses throughout this whole saga (material and other) – some potentially could have been avoided with better decision-making, but the point is, I'm not exactly happy about it (although plenty of positives have come out of this whole situation – this conversation that we're having now for instance).
With regards to the 'imaginary virus' – if the observations we have made are correct, then although it is not a 'virus' in the way we think of it, it's also not 'nothing' (as I mentioned at the start). If Bolsonaro for instance, was correct when he said that COVID is cover for 'chemical and radiological' warfare, then it's pretty obvious that COVID is not 'nothing', and that yes, some of the measures taken by the apparent tyrants, were taken to protect people. It's interesting to note, for example, looking through the historical texts, that at the end of the 19th century, cloth-based facemasks were used to avoid inhaling arsenic dust. It's also interesting to note that alpha particles can be blocked by a single sheet of paper, and that people treated with radioiodine are told to stay several feet apart from others. Caroline has written extensively on all of this, recommend reading the early articles on her Substack.
I am not entirely convinced that these are 'mRNA vaccines' (as mentioned in the article), and as mentioned in the comment above, I do not think that there is such a thing as 'big pharma'. It's an abstraction. What these entities do depends entirely on who controls the asset.
But to answer your question; if we accept the premise that COVID is not nothing, then it stands to reason that some of the measures taken were not simply enacted for the purpose of grinding us all down face first into the mud. Ideally, it shouldn't have happened, but who do we blame – those who enacted the measures, or those who forced their hand?
Thank you, yes I believe all this must happen to awaken our conscientiousness and bring us together.
I think I would say that Covid is in fact nothing. In that the pneumonia deaths were caused by 'normal' pollution and the spike in deaths (after 5 years of low excess deaths) with median age of 83 was caused by forced ventilation, midazolam and remdesiver.
Big pharma are the large multinational companies who torture animals and develop drugs that by their own stated aims do not work and make people sicker, openly making huge profits, who's share holders sit on advisory committees, in NGO and in governments.
No-one is to blame for enacting measures, or forcing others to do so. We are all part of the collective of egos that created society/the algorithm/the Beast of capitalism. And none of us is to blame for doing that or what our ego/fear/self hate/conditioning/socialization tell us to do.
I believe our true natures are compassionate, forgiving and free, and we release them by awareness practice.
Anyway always interesting to converse
Till next time,
If you look at Polio - (and in my opinion 1918) - you find a cover story in which the 'victim' is buried below the basis for a 'new technological breakthrough' (that reall wasnt), but it served as a foundation from which to grow the use of contagion fear for conditioning medical dependency so as to develop global controls by stealth.
The pretext is whatever serves the ratcheting up of controls that ensure the funding or sacrifice of life to securitised and protected power.
Great questions. The reasoning is perverse and bizarre.
My reasoning is 'perverse and bizarre'?
I had a feeling that you and Caroline were working up to saying that the jabs were potentially a good thing, and you have proven me right.
I personally find this utterly perverse and bizarre, and also insulting to those who've been damaged by the jabs:
"In the meantime, whilst I appreciate this is not really answering the question, the film Batman Begins, provides, in my view a good analogy for what I believe to be going on. In short; the 'League of Shadows' – a secret society, "whose stated purpose was to restore balance to the world by enacting purges at various points in history" (resets in other words – see, plans on taking down Gotham by disseminating a nerve agent through the water mains that will later become aerosolised. Bruce Wayne (Batman) who, was once, an insider, goes up against them. His company develops an anti-toxin (antidote) that is to be distributed to the residents of Gotham (I can't remember how, and whether the method of delivery is even detailed). The point I'm making here, and attempted to make in the article, is that it may be that those who we think are trying to harm us, are not. The League of Shadows operates, well, in the shadows. Nobody, other than Batman and other 'insiders', knows who they are, or what they're up to. The general public who is not proxy to this information, when seeing things going wrong, go after Batman, the police, the politicians etc – those who are visible. Some food for thought."
No one has said they're a 'good thing'. Complete misrepresentation. You don't know for certain that it was the jabs.
In what way is it 'perverse and bizarre'?
And what's wrong with that passage you quoted?
Re this quote from your post: "I am not saying that the 'vaccines' are doing that, but that this is one possibility that we should explore, especially when we consider the fact that the vast majority of the reported 'side effects' appear to be generic 'detox symptoms'. "
Surely one of the most common adverse reactions is blood clotting, which is not, to my knowledge, a detox symptom.
Please read the article The Battle Field on The Boom Review Substack. Seb and I work together so reading both would be useful in this context. We are focused on arsenic due to high arsenic levels in hair in people living in areas we believe to be of importance to groups related to underground trafficking, smuggling etc. The symptoms are an exact match for covid particularly the cardiovascular symptoms. It is free to read.
No, it isn't, but it's also not common at all (at least, not according to the data I've seen). Have you looked at the VAERS data?
No there are no vaccines that are a good thing from the original and worst from Alfred Wallace in 1898 'This brief statement of the early history of vaccination has been introduced here in order to give what seems to be a probable explanation of the remarkable fact that a large portion of the medical profession accepted, as proved, that vaccination protected against a subsequent inoculation of small-pox, when in reality there was no such proof, as the subsequent history of small-pox epidemics has shown. Again and again they asked the witnesses above referred to to explain how it was possible that so many educated specialists could be thus deceived.” and on to the present day
and you're absolutly right viruses are not even a thing
I think everyone knows (or most people) that the flu vacs don't work so they needed something new, exciting, cutting edge and more convincing.
They were hedging their bets in the beginning, not knowing how much we were going to fall for the propaganda nonsense. They must have been pleasantly surprised.
They also wanted to test and normalise mRNA technology which I think they want to use for cancer and all sorts.
The irreversibly damaged gene theory has a LOT of mileage for a reset to a bio security state, with the underlying fear of total surveilance (nanotech in the biofield).
To what extent does accepted belief EXPECT and make manifest a physical experience to reinforce the inner conviction? Esp when mass hypnosis applies?
We cannot recognise the world that our ancestors lived because the 'world' is part of the modelling of self-experience?
If you can follow this far you may intuit why ANY masking 'reality' saves us from loss of a sense of object continuity which we call 'time and space'. But true Continuity is not in object models derived from self-image. But Always. This is beneath the masking by which to engage in a specific unfolding of experience as a developing consciousness.
Narratives shift and mutate as a strategy of evasion presented as progress or achievement.
An awakening narrative offers a bridge to presence that moves us - as distinct from manipulating a presentation.
Thank you for your insight and although it doesn't actually answer my question, I think I know where you're coming from. 🙂
I looked for your question as I hadnt seen it in what you thought was my answer!
The fundamental underpinning of the proposed 'new order' is biotechnology as convergence of tech surveillance and control systems.
Virus feary was only used to enable the shock tactic of false 'pandemic' from made up virus around the patented GoF of the S-protein - that is set as the purported goal of the 'biotech™ gene-hacking agenda.
All of which to implement preset lockstepping drills and contracts that switched to a global coup with means to generate other threats, wars, diversions and disinformation on a public that is so far behind the curve that it will never catch up - excepting to come back to the intuitive recognition of a manipulative or false intent and trust their own being instead of experts OR expertly manipulated opposition.
Vaccines are an attempt to make a science out of token or limited sacrifice as a means to evade or mitigate fear of greater penalty. They are poisons or else there would be no so called immune response. The history of poisons as 'cures' runs parallel with supplications to abusers or powers associated with delivery of pain and loss, or with competing powers to drive out the disease condition. To say this is magical thinking needs also to acknowledge it underlies what we take to be a rational superstructure! Archetypal patterns underlie our sense of self and world as subconscious interplay of meanings.
You are right - there was no pandemic but for the shouting and a WHO redefinition of the term that took out severity, death or highly infectious such that any cold season would qualify.
(Its definition is the basis for legal contracts set with govs around the world).