Sep 3, 2022Liked by Sebastien Powell

At this point in time i trust nothing

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Sep 4, 2022Liked by Sebastien Powell, Caroline Coram

Is there still room for the idea that the vaccines were not intended as a bioweapon to reduce populations but are instead 'gene therapy' to modify people - perhaps in preparation for further tweakery - and that the adverse effects (incl. deaths) are arising in those whose systems are just not compatible for whatever reason(s)?

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Sep 4, 2022Liked by Sebastien Powell

So vaccinations may or may not have anything to do with it? The non-vaccinated shouldn't go around frightening people that the vaccinated are all doomed. Have you sold this report to Pfizer yet? (humour). Points you avoid: Why there was a co-ordinated effort on behalf of most governments to force the 'vaccine' on their populations. Why do most people show abnormalities in their blood after the vaccination. Why are undertakers reporting many more deaths in younger people since the introduction of the vaccine.

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thank you SP and CC.

This is a much needed dose of common sense and reality.

Like you say, we did all think people would die from respiratory disease beginning 2021, and now we're saying it will take 5 months of depressed detoxification and everyone will die in 2022.

As a bioweapon, the mRNA jab is a pretty odd way of going about things.

The Powers that Shouldn't Be pretty much have it in their ability to cut off our food supply tomorrow so why bother with all this.

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Hi there, Sebastien! wanting to verify that I didn't overlook your desire to participate in the Terrain Train ... If I did, just let me know. Otherwise, I'll quit bugging you. 🙏 https://solluckman.substack.com/p/calling-all-health-truth-content

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Would really love to have you onboard, Sebastien! I looked for your name name/URL in the comments, but maybe I missed it. Anyway, it's still not too late to sign on ... https://solluckman.substack.com/p/calling-all-health-truth-content

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Sep 4, 2022·edited Sep 4, 2022Liked by Sebastien Powell

Maybe this is the ultimate aim? Rendering recipients of the patented RNA (including the offspring of mothers who've been injected) inhuman therefore not protected by Human Rights legislation with all that entails? (Those who survive anyway).


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Sep 4, 2022Liked by Sebastien Powell

Excellent article Seb. Much to ponder on here. It certainly puts things in a different perspective

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Sep 4, 2022Liked by Sebastien Powell


Study on the blood of the vaccinated.

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Thought experiment:

Give a placebo to a group of people who have been first isolated and set in fear

that is offered, incentivised and insinuated to be a route out of fear and back to some normality.

But then persist the fear while serving up a predicatable counter fear of genetic damage, blood clotting, sudden death - and in fact every and any kind of disease symptom.

So from paranoia of ours or others breath dealing death, we (many of us) are impregnated with a ticking time bomb - boosted by the widespread fear of the vaccine as a direct bioweapon.

What am I getting at?

That in addition to any possible or chemical, bio-nanotech or bio genetic injection is a mind capture of nocebo. You can also see that as voodoo or black magic of a manipulated unconsciousness.

Those who recognise the call to fear and guilt as nothing else can also recognise the Call to realign in and of sovereign integral. Waking is not to nightmare but to its release or undoing as a result of recognising we don't want what it offers or represents.

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IF the narrative identity of irrevocably damaged genes can be installed or incepted into humanity via shock/fear & guilted sin or betrayal, then the biotech control system has 'permission to run'.

(This is revisiting our starting place as a splitting off of mind within a construct rendered invisible by living from it, and within it, unseeing).

Machine intelligence begins with imaginative modelling or predictive imagination fitted to a machined, manipulated or controlled outcome or goal. That it developed to deep computer programs fed ever more granular QUANTIFIED data flowing into currently recognised parameters, to reveal desired or chosen outcomes leveraged by means of pre-emptive controls as if to 'create' life from a dissociative sense of judgement set over and apart from life, is the result of GIGO - Garbage in; garbage out.

The result of judging is being judged - in the measure set. This is not obvious to the righteous attack on an unrecognised 'enemy' projected onto valid feedback to a conflicted communication.

Subjection to a 'world' made by judgement is a result of what we wanted real, as an attempt to set our own personal reality over a wholeness, that denies others and our self.

There are psychic-emotional basis for wanting an external agency to blame as escape from a deeper self-knowledge that conflicts with currently held personal & social identity. But then the unfaced issues persist through the masking or repackaging of 'solutions' that deliver a temporary 'security' in exchange for unconsciousness to a system by which NOT to see or know what we are unwilling or unready to accept.

Insofar as we seek to boost our narrative 'identity' we are stakeholders in that which gives us meaning. My witness is that guilt usurps an integral innocence of being to mask in personae of a cast out representation of wholeness through the lens or mind of division, and dissociating fragmentation.

A Reset to those who so choose or default to accept is an expansion of a greater embrace to those who release a self-reinforcing futility in acceptance of a life they do not manufacture, but give & receive in equity of being as integral sovereignty - not set or seeking to lord it over.

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.

All the king’s horses and all the king’s men

Couldn’t put Humpty together again.

is it not curious that failure to reinstate a lost golden age or gain a utopian future became a stitched up composite or humpty-dumpty pathogenetic dogma by which to keep its 'king' crowned as power set over life, boosted by the sacrifice of the living?

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The power of the mind is generally and largely hidden. Not least by identifying under a narrative identity dictate.

Narrative identity is conflicted by definition and projects its conflict to external targets.

I could call this 'the deceiver' by which we do unto ourselves unknowing - not least because we seek not to know what we fearfully believe by setting into masking denial, dissociation, and projection.

The narrative being peddled all have a resonance with separation trauma and its strategies of fragmentation as 'survival'.

Unless we choose to die in our illusions, we must die to them or take up our bed and walk out of the frame of a fear driven mindset. Yet stakeholders to invested identity cannot recognise their own predicament while clinging to what they thought to gain, set against what they feared as cost.

Hacking the mind is the usurper. Those who steal fear being stolen back, or brought to retribution. So fear steals our capacity to rest in knowing that we are, by telling us 'what we are' in frame of guilted fears.

One more thing... the attempt to mask or repackage conflicted fear, pain or loss in magical solutions, gives power to false associations and wishful thinking to then operate back on its maker with the original conflicts running through the lens and frame of the 'solution'.

The way out of an impossible situation is to realise you are not in it. (ACIM)

To the ego this is beyond belief because the ego of such a situation was made by belief.

The willingness to suspend active disbelief running as judgemental self-certainty allows the spirit and nature of truth to move through us, and so reflect to us.

This is the 'beginner's mind' of an innocent perception. In place of a mind hack running in our name and under our protection.

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Brilliant disembling, VMT Seb.

One question; I understand why they would use a virus as cover for something more sinister and invisible but why create a new vaccine at all? If they even did. Since many medical professionals likened it to nothing more than a bad flu in the early weeks at least, they had a window of opportunity there to simply utilise the existing flu vax and encourage take up of that? I do realise that the narrative then altered to "it's not just the flu", presumably to encourage greater take up but why was it so important that so many have the 'new' vax in order to cement the virus theory? Also, I've read nothing yet, from anyone anywhere, that leads me to believe ANY vaccines are a good thing, since I don't believe viruses are actually a thing.

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