I'm very thankful for your public posts and investigations.

(i) AFAICS, there was one and only one typo in the article:

> We have received a number of reports from people carrying our hair / fur analysis on themselves and their pets, that show high levels of arsenic.

‘our’ should be ‘out’

(ii) The spirit of the second half of the article, under the heading The unseen war, is at odds with my way of thinking. Thankfully, te latter is not a stuff of genius, and it is well-represented in the following texts:

* Underground History of American Education by John Gatto, in "8. Author’s note"

* https://expressiveegg.org/2021/10/05/goodbye-marx/

* https://expressiveegg.org/2021/12/29/the-technological-system/

* the bibliography at the bottom of the second link

Oh, and we all know The Machine Stops by EM Forster.


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You ask what causes co-morbidities - ie sickness - and assign it - I think - to arsenic - maybe sprayed arsenic?

I have no wish to exclude your suspect from the list of toxic suspects but still hold that true cause is not in the world itself. In other words I don't believe the materialist reversal - though I have been raised to its way of thinking and seeing.

Seneff can give you a humongous ream of research to show glyphosate's multiple toxic pathways of harm. And over the years I have given a lot of attention to a lot of researchers following their pet suspects and feeding pet theories - and increasingly sense we each and together make the life we then live out according to the word (definitions) we give. This isn't within the realm of applying logic to existing or accepted assumptions, but calls for questioning root assumptions.

I sense this will be made easier as our 'identity/worldview' breaks down regardless doubling down in what used to work before.

Can you disprove your theory?

Or is it seeking status of a protected narrative because it holds promis of 'saving lives'.

(I'm calling attention to a pattern that can be recognised regradless of what 'side' anyone takes or takes identity against).

Before the spiking agenda I joined in warning or illuminating lack of reason to fix up with whatever your batch lottery lined up, and every reason to not do so.

But as soon as people had clearly taken the bait, I spoke to the miracle of the body of life rather than nocebo or lay a curse on the already weakened and suggestible. (As I suspect the sudden death meme is intended to effect). A Godless sense of life, world and nature casts all as threat and victim to then have that experience. Why do some succumb to poisons and others not?

You can postulate an immune system - back to Mithiditis - but this is all set in magical thinking that interjects between the life and the Source of life like a moneylender in the temple.

In the light of a stated goal for convergent governing structures of Biosecurity state, Green New Deal, and centralised technocratic controls set locally under global regulations (ESGs) I suggest that those who effectively control global credit/money and other vectors of control are intent of using or generating any and every means to support their goals, while encouraging every kind of disinformation to divert and divide so as to deny true function to gain for weaponised fiction - such as "The Science".

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Euromomo stats are for death by all cause- with filters for age groups.

The link is to graphical representations which show across many years - but can be zoomed in at will. Being European but also filtered by country.

The spike is in the over 45's and older.

Rationalising fear so as to mask over and 'make safe' is the business of a control mindset.

Separating out the reactions - which include all of that imposed by a lockstepping to down live drill - switched to tyranny - is hardly possible. The incentivisation of deceit in the assignment to 'covid' made a mask over what was actually occurring. Ivor Cummings used the term low hanging fruit for those who were already in ill health (co-morbidities) or near end of life. So a combination of fears and fearfully applied overreactions and mistreatments amplifies whatever is already running.

Nocebo is not simply 'fear', but executed instructions in support of fully accepted negative expectation. For susceptible, read suggestible in terms of already accepted belief, worldview, identity.

I am not arguing for deaths to be attributed to the so called covid or misnamed vaccine, but question mRNA as being weaponised narrative, like germ theory. The key operating system for narrative identity fulfilment is the mind - which confuses itself with the character or role assigned by its own accepted beliefs and core definitions (mostly internalised, unconscious conditioned response).

My primary vigilance is to narrative deceits or tricks by which to mask a hidden agenda in suggestions, insinuations, smear by association, witchhunting or character assassinations, and passing off toxic debt/conflicts in packaging that attracts attention or reaction.

In other words the lie and the father of it, which is the wish that self-illusion be true, so truth must fit or be given a blind eye.

The manually incentivised 'plague' continues with choking life support, boosting fear in false defence or solutions, while opening new fronts such as self-hating green guilt and self denial, wars disrupting supply lines/energy - all via organised criminal destructo-capitalist leverage to force acceptance of technological, bio & psychic slavery as a living asset or tool, subject to rating.

The incentivisation of control is set in the carrot and stick, but after capture by carrots, the carrot is replaced by mitigation of the stick of pain and loss set under terror by a willingness to use it on others. Fear of pain of loss is then the target of manipulators, including our own inner control mindset, without which, external manipulations would not resonate to a targeted reaction.

The hidden underside to this situation is the already running set of beliefs in possession and control. I note that once phished by self-imaged identity, it runs under our protection with all the defences rightly assigned to truth it usurps. Nor can it 'wake up' in its own terms, but by revealing its own self-contradictions open a natural capacity and willingness to question its predicates, not merely the wallpaper - which can reflect a conflicted outcome when papering over cracks is used as a cover story in which to hide or get rid of toxic or loveless agenda, running under cover unchecked.

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45 isn't exactly old. I know two people who died 'of COVID' right at the start (respiratory problems). Neither was particularly old. As mentioned in the article, there are other markers we've been looking at, for instance, spikes in cases of 'hepatitis' and diabetes. One headteacher I know told me that last year, 10 pupils were diagnosed with 'type 1'. Previously, she'd only ever known of 3 cases in 14 years. This is consistent with what was reported in various papers, as documented in the article on diabetes.

As I shared on Twitter the other week, I had to go for a short run outside the other day and developed a terrible cough right after, that I'm still recovering from. I exercise 3 times a week, and I would consider myself pretty fit. It just so happens to be that this was the same week we'd noticed a drop in air quality and gridding patterns forming near where we live.

Both myself and my wife were in bed for a week with what I could only describe as a 'bad flu', at the end of July of 2022, right after we'd travelled cross-country at a time where there was plenty of 'gridding' going on. I fail to see how any of this can be explained by either 'fear' or the 'nocebo effect'. Even GNM (which seems to be a religion of sorts for some people), acknowledges that their ideas don't apply in situations where individuals are exposed to toxins. From LearningGNM: "severe malnutrition, poisoning, or an injury can result in the dysfunction of an organ without a DHS."

My own observations to date are very much at odds with the narratives being peddled by what we could refer to as 'mainstream truthers'. This includes the idea that all governments are colluding to crush us all. I have just returned from Luxembourg, where all restrictions have now been lifted, even though they had measures in place like 'vaccine passports', and that these measures enjoyed the support of the majority of the population. There was no good reason for them to 'backtrack'.

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You cant just say "Died of covid". So much more information is needed...Did they die at home? At the hospital? What kind if treatment did they recieve? For how long?

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I haven't access to the 45yr olds data - but at the time co-morbidity was the secondary feature to age, but they generally combine. So the diabetics, obese and other already degraded and weak would likely be the younger of those dying in that period.

Mainstream phood with mainstreamed media 'groupthink', medications, and other forms of abuse are where a market for unconsciousness establishes a cultural vacuum.

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Yes, but you would then need to ask; what caused said 'comorbidities', and is it all linked. I think it is. In the case of diabetes and obesity for instance, we just so happen to find that the same 'suspect' is heavily involved AND the biochemical mechanism by which it is involved can be explained.

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Associations are markers to warrant further investigation.

How can your belief in sky poisoning NOT affect you?

Regardless the facts.

The way a control grid operates is NOT via Satan Claus or other fronting narratives - but of fear defined self-interest. ESGs are intended to deny freedom of going about our lawful business (including corporates and govs) that don't comply.

Whitney Web's work documents some of the collusion or cartel of organised crime and intelligence running in the 'dark' - just as does sky spraying and 'biotech research'.

The ability to choke supply is the nature of monopoly control. This extends to ability to block or degrade life support - ie poisons that degrade the 'target' for purposes of possession & control, that can be seeking profits or fundamental restructure of human society under social engineering running as the manipulation of minds, perceptions and behavioural responses.

Puppet governments are induced or imposed to sell out their people or country in exchange for privilege under foreign or transnational power. Under new contracts, offshore courts can fine for loss of profits as a result of democratically disrupted business deals (ie fracking).

I see more dimension through what we think we know, and so react as we always do, and so sickness can be 'detoxification' or release of conflict/trauma in the body, is a healing or reintegrative movement of being. But a fixation of fear set in defences cannot release its struggle to recognise a freedom of a deeper or more embracing recognition.

My sense is that the Call of truth is irresistible - but the Call to war will set every kind of delay and diversion while truth is determined by fear - or in longhand, by rationalised masking over fear as the means to impose order on life from a dissociated sense of self in 'possession and control'.

In my limited (reclusive lifestyle) I know two friends died suddenly - neither vaccinated.

Another was effectively killed in early covid overreact and over treatment - but I also feel that she found a way out at a deeper level. Another I know has just had the 'rapid cancer regression' and died. I see Dr Hamer's insight on cancer as more coherent than the pathological model set in a protected revenue capture. But then that's my underlying sense of what pathological is and does - project conflict onto, as a 'solution' for persisting self-illusion.

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They are, and further investigation has been carried out. This article is a summary of the findings to date. I would also like to point out (as I believe I have to you before), that other avenues have been explored. I / we didn't just roll out of bed one day and decide this was going to be the 'narrative'. At one point, I was fully on board with what the 'truthers' were peddling. But my own observations were at odds with parts of that narrative, and that forced me to re-evaluate.

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Caroline mentioned your hair analysis re AS.

Is the opening paragraph above what she meant?

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Is this your evidence of a pathogens circulating the Earth? “ Last but not least, mortality data suggests that something was going on in 2020, and that ‘COVID’ was not ‘just a cold’ as some have suggested it was. In the UK, total deaths rose from 527,234 in 2019 to 614,114 in 2020, and then came back down to 585,899 in 2021. A similar pattern was seen in the US; deaths rose from 2,854,838 in 2019 to 3,390,029 in 2020, and then 3,464,235 in 2021 (see here for sources).”

What about other factors like psychological warfare by governments and media?

I’m still not convinced there was something new happening.

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Who said anything about a 'pathogen'?

And yes, that is one data point, but there are a number of others that are discussed throughout this article, including what is discussed in more detail here: https://sebastienpowell.substack.com/p/an-investigation-into-sudden-athlete.

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Sorry, meant to write “toxin”, not “pathogen”.

I’m just trying to follow whether something extraordinary actually took place around the time of 2019 - summer 2020.

Athletes collapsing doesn’t really say much about the general population?

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In the UK, deaths rose from 527,234 (2019) to 614,114 (2020).

It can't have been the 'vaccines', because they hadn't been rolled out. It also can't be down to, for instance, midazolam, because there are people outside of care homes that appear to have been affected. For example, I know two people who developed respiratory problems (aka 'COVID') and passed. One was in his 40s.

We also have other markers, such as children development hepatitis, which is consistent with the toxin hypothesis. I also forgot to add to this, but will do shortly, that I was told by a school teacher friend that cases of type 1 diabetes have gone through the roof in the school she teaches at. This is consistent with what others have reported – e.g: https://www.imperial.ac.uk/news/201473/covid-19-linked-increase-type-diabetes-children/ (again, before the 'vaccine' was available, so that can't be the cause).

In the case of athletes, the apparent rise that started in 2016 appears to be confirmed by proper studies working with actuals, such as that published by Sharma et al. in 2018, where they found that the incidence rate of cardiac problems in the athlete population was much greater than previously thought. It can't be all down to drug taking either, as when we look at the individual cases, we find incidents involving teenagers / children.

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I don't see this on their data above.

Where did you derive your figure?

I have no reason to doubt nocebo. But many fear Mind much more than any cover story, so one way or another the cover story runs on the Big Screen as securitised narratives.

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They are from the ONS. The sources are provided here: https://sebastienpowell.substack.com/p/yellow-card-and-vaers

As far as I can tell, Euromomo provides the data on a week by week basis, not annual, so checking whether the figures marry up would require manually adding those figures up. I imagine they get their data from the ONS as well, so in theory they should.

But even on Euromomo, you can clearly see a big spike in March 2020 (before the 'vaccines' were deployed), and I don't think 'fear' is a reasonable explanation.

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You just cant count the deaths. You have to compare it to the population of course. Was the death rate/population really higher in 2020 than previous years? Not the figures ive seen...

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Obviously, but population would need to have grown by ~ 15% in order for the rate to remain unchanged. Clearly this didn't happen:

2019: 66.84m

2020: 67.08m

That's a ~ 0.35% increase, whereas the number of deaths grew by 15%.

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All aligns to self interest, but what aligns our currently accepted definition of self, from which our perceptions of other and world is derived?

A mis taken self image must result in conflicted self interests that then mask to unify off as a self presentation set against externalised conflicts - ie projected to scapegoat or blame as justifiction for attack. Accepting false premise, following false profits, to go forth and multiply conflict and debt running toxic, as a negatively polarised sense of survival set in distancing, masking and attack while asserting virtue or moral necessity. Such a mindset runs contagion by reaction in minds already invested as stakeholders to fear set as control over life seen through dead eyes.

The world we perceive & respond is not primary, independent or creative cause to the true nature of a living Universe regardless our capacity to distance, mask and attack our own source and nature in the lockstepping agreement to lockdown to the body in a world of bodies set in conflict, struggle, sickness and death.

When fear is given power to 'create' in our mind, as our power of protection, its thinking is taken as our own. The fundamental poison or contagion is fear, but pretending it is not already active as conditioned, internalised and normalised habit is simply further self-deceit - such as to make cover story for masking over active harms to push conflicts out of awareness by diversion and dissociation. While fear of fear simply feeds or inflames the dispossession of our true awareness and right mind. So undoing errors set in protective deceits is needful from wherever we currently align integrity of being, but the pattern of such is systemic to all such instances, and so it the root error from which all proceeds.

For many reading here, the covid op reveals the capacity of the collective mind to set itself in an active and protected unreality by reaction to false evidence appearing real. This principle is not limited to covid or any facet of its mutating narrative identities running covert or hidden as masked agenda, dark op or manipulative evil mind.

So WHO told us we were naked? - in the sense of defenceless, susceptible, threatened, attacked, deceived, and set in self-doubt, division, and driven to act out in the shape of our fears?

Questioning our reactions, our interpretive perceptions, the underlying beliefs and our acquired conditioning or masking survival strategy set to limit and control the life we could not cope with or be equal to in our past, is a decision to open, align and restore our true presence now, as a grounded reference point - without which we are lost in the negative results of our own fear - and perhaps we no longer wish to hide this from ourselves or each other in social masking evasions that distort our relational communications and appreciations of shared worth and value - that is known by living rather than set by social credits to offset guilt-narratives, as 'permission to live' under fear.

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YIP Binra.

The central banksters corporate govt MO is Fear-submission- control.

Its nice to see here on substack so many conscious people " on this train to awareness" .

The WHO told people "you are just the body( +ego)" the body's enemy is " germs" and the body needs the medical system( Rockefeller's snake oil magic). They used the greatest fear ( death) to launch the convid fraud .

Fear caused reactions when we needed to respond with reasoning and a mind unclouded by fear.

Its the dialog of fear ie the ego( the media's narrative). The ( debunked) 1861 germ theory is one of fear and ignorance.

And the bigger picture is the need for a shift from fear to love.

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