Excellent post. I have long suspected that poison especially arsenic is the cause of most 'diseases'.

The human body with the right resources (nutrition) is able to overcome all 'diseases'. The problems occur when 'modern medicine' intervenes by treating the symptoms and interferes with this function.

I also believe that distilled water is an overlooked aid in assisting the body to rid itself of toxins.

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Thank you Doug!

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Distillation of water is an important process for ridding the water of contaminants. It makes sense to use it for detoxification. Do you fast too?

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Aug 5, 2022Edited
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I was referring to the detoxification process. As far as the other minerals go much of these can be found in your garden grown vegetables.

I am not a doctor and I don't play one on the internet

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Although, as you mentioned, the evidence is lacking, there might be, in fact, some chemosignals (pheromones?) involved in all of this. Not many people know it, but plants "talk" to each other via these three routes:

- by releasing chemicals like volatile organic compounds (VOCs), etc.

- by ultrasonic sounds (frequencies that humans cannot hear)

- via roots system (by secreting chemicals into the soil)

"Plants Emit Sounds Too High For Human Ears When Stressed Out"


"New research on plant intelligence may forever change how you think about plants"


"Plants May Let Out Ultrasonic Squeals When Stressed"


"Recordings reveal that plants make ultrasonic squeals when stressed"


"Plants Talk. Plants Listen. Here's How"


"Plants 'talk to' each other through their roots"


"Plants Can 'Speak' to Each Other"


"How Plants Secretly Talk to Each Other"


"Can Plants Talk to Each Other?"


So it makes sense for animals and humans to possess some similar routes to "share" information apart from visual cues and sounds. And especially when it comes to stress or the potential danger that will send signals for the immune system to "prepare" or "detox", etc.

There is this idea of spreading immunity asymptomatically, which basically means that a strong immune system destroys the "virus" without symptomatic infection, and you now begin spreading immunity by shedding dead viral particles and non-replicable "virus" proteins. Another healthy host then inhales these particles, and his own T cells learn based on that feedback.

"Exposure to SARS-CoV-2 generates T-cell memory in the absence of a detectable viral infection"


What if "detox" and "disease" symptoms (partially) can be induced by chemosignals, and one of the best candidates being pheromones? What if it can be done via several routes like breath (gas exchange), feces, urine, sweat, saliva, etc. ? Nearly all "transmission" happens inside closed spaces anyway. Or alternatively, what if poisons / toxins can be shared (which has already been proven beyond doubt) in the same way? So, in essence, we end up poisoning nearby people with toxins that our bodies try to get rid of?

50% of human sewage is used as fertilizer.


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Thank you! I'm one of "those", it pains me to even trim a bush, I kid

you not, have known of some of it but your links a new to me, so thank very much!

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Thank you for this comment, very thorough and thoughtful.

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Absolutely splendid, thankyou both.

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Thank you Isaac!

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Your research is outstanding, Sebastien!

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Thank you! That's very kind and greatly appreciated. We've got a lot more coming!

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Very helpful.. Mercury in teething pain powder was linked to polio I think, Forrest Mareuder (sp?).

Nutrient deficiency is a condition treated with the nutrient, or sometimes reducing a competitor that is in excess. The early 'duseases' had an unknown cause at first.

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I think you meant Forrest Maready, the author of the book: "The Moth in the Iron Lung".

He also has a lengthy thread on polio on Twitter:

https://twitter.com/forrestmaready/status/1005127713848463361 (thread on polio)

https://twitter.com/forrestmaready/status/1255265480396472321 (thread on vaccines)

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He also wrote 'Crooked' picking up the work of someone else who detected asymmetries in the faces of vaccinated people - as an evidence of toxic shocks that affect functional health and development incrementally. Of course there are other pathways of such shocks. He's got youtubes also for those who want to 'meet him' in that mode.

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Crooked yes good follow up book I thought. I work near very primitive gold mines in Borneo (with zero safety standards for individuals and environments) with an abundance of mercury use. Truly shocking how many individuals in rural villages have their eyes out of plane horizontally and severe cognitive problems

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Do you remember the other guys name? I mind he was a Canadian doctor that made a great doc. I think he died around 2014.

I think they author of Just a Little Prick was skeptical of his claims - thinking he was put out there as red meat for antivaxxers but his claims went too far and some were easily disproven.

I thought *most of what I saw was at the very least interesting and worth further study.

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No. Marready has a video referring to him but videos are not readily researchable.

There were lots of poor resolution image comparisons of children's faces before and after vaccination.

I skimmed through the book Crooked, couldn't find him mentioned there.

Marready has his own solid research and isn't merely reporting another's thesis.

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Hi Sebastien,

very comprehensive and a great resource.

I always think of diet, I met someone with a weird rash on his arm and exhaustion who was told he had B12 deficiency - was cured with injections, but his symptoms have recently come back despite continuing with injections.

I didn't think of poisoning but is very likely.

A list of modern day products with arsenic to avoid or look out for might be a way forward? Obviously avoiding pesticides and processed food is good.

Thanks for your post


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Hi Jo. The Boom Review are writing something right now on the nutrients that work really well in healing the body and the gut so the right microbes can synthesis B12. We will also be looking at what happens at a cellular level with exposure to arsenic which depletes these nutrients and how best to replace them.

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That's wonderful to hear

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I would suggest he find out if they have been giving him cyanocobalamin instead of methyl or hydroxycobalamin. The cyanide can accumulate to toxicity symptoms over time at higher doses, and that form does not help someone with methylation difficulties. It is standardly used though.

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Glad to see GNM given a mention.

Searching anything with GNM will currently bring some associated information.

I note Szasz records cases of 'malingering' not just as skiving or work evasion, but as a strategy of escaping an unbearable or intolerable situation. Note that in A Course in Miracles it states 'sickness is a defence against the truth' - before dismissing this, consider that fear of truth underlies a demonising projection of fear onto awareness, such as to seek and find ways to limit, distance, mask and attack the messengers of truth - that are perceived as 'threats' to a temporary sense of security that requires constant boosters of social masking reinforcement.

Another angle arises from my experience of Family Constellation therapy. The Family (or systemic) Field is a relational integrity that holds a record of trauma, exclusions, denials, or abuses that are taken on my children - who have no capacity to differentiate their own boundaries and 'take on' conflicts that belong to other living or dead members, such as to 'share their fate'. This can and does include sickness and death.

Information uncovered in constellation work can be deep in terms of emotional intensity, but also open perspectives for realigning responsibility, releasing what does not belong to us and coming back into 'right place'.

You also didn't mention 'mass hysteria' - I don't like the name! - but many accounts exist that document what can also be seen as a mass nocebo effect - in which a fear is given authority to run unchecked.

Likewise hypnotists have enabled the expectation of a burn (using a cold object) to bring up a blister. Placebo is also shown to operate biological effects.

The realm of mind-control is extremely disturbing to look at as it includes deliberately breaking the minds of children - even through generations. But such is the 'mass psychosis' of our times that the intention to induce disease condition in the susceptible IS being actively effected using the techniques garnered from breaking the minds of 'insurgents', prisoners, or other targets.

The bottom line is that fear is contagious, as is demonstrable by the setting of memes and astroturfed PR to go viral. But fear is only give such power by denial that dissociates, masks over, and projects OUT to others, world or body - that is ANYWHERE ELSE - but intolerable conflict or overwhelm.

Toxic industrial by products are also the effects of 'normalised' social conflict that becomes profit or progress for its own sake.

Realigning in wholeness of being allows releasing of conflicted identity running 'protected' as a mindset of control set against fear or pain of loss (that reiterates conflict by the very attempt to defend against it, fix it, eradicate it or repackage and sell it to the manipulatable).

Thanks for the article!

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I would be interested to know about modern sources of arsenic, particularly in the UK.

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Fascinating thanks

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Thank you Jane!

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Pollution and poisons were for sure behind lots of suffering, still are. Now we have so many chemicals and substances (like micro plastics) that it's almost impossible to know what is behind what. Knowing, that some megalomaniacs play with dna-based bioweapons makes it even more difficult even if a large national lab would dedicate their resources in solving what causes what illness/disease.

From the article:

"what was particularly interesting is that no one reported anything more serious – like a case of ‘polio’, ‘ebola’ or ‘tuberculosis’ for that matter."

If you are an average person, you must get really "lucky" to witness any of those. Luckily, tuberculosis is making a comeback now that many people have done something to themselves.

"One respondent – a primatologist – also pointed out that he has never seen such a phenomenon in the wild. Only with animals being kept in captivity."

- And how would he track wild animals, some known to be aggressive, moving around getting severely ill?

I'm no expert but at least elephants, bears and dogs go hide before they die for whatever they die for but maybe wild primates act differently and would be highly visible?

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With regards to your first point – 'gain of function' (which I assume, is what you are referring to), assumes that 'viruses' are the causative agents of 'disease'. As mentioned in this article, and others, the evidence for this claim, is found wanting.

With regards to TB, I'm guessing you're suggesting the COVID jabs are somewhat responsible for the 'comeback'? If so, how can that be explained? Do the jabs contain the bacteria that allegedly cause it? If these diseases are all highly contagious, how can we explain the fact that one must be really "lucky" to witness any of them? That doesn't make an awful lot of sense to me.

With regards to your second point – this is a good question, I have asked Leo if he'd be able to provide some further insight.

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Sorry, I should've been more precise. I was talking about 2020 Nobel prize of chemistry which they got for inventing a method for DNA-editing and guess who was really excited about that?

(Bill G... Quick info can be found on the comment section of an unbelievable X-files clip which is a must see, the comment should be here

https://twitter.com/Alchemi24558367/status/1534111080997429248?s=20&t=gfK-IEBptfMI_eNos8Hu4A )

Knowing that now they had a tool for editing our genes, it'd be only the question of time when some megalomaniac does something with it large scale or weaponizes the invention. So they got the nobel in the fall of 2020 and what gene based products were developed in a rush that year - coincidence?

So I don't really care or have strong opinions about viruses or germs. But I do know some insects give us nasty diseases which could be poisoning, too? What is awful, IMO, is that nanotech provides a nasty way to get stuff into living bodies with no way to stop that. NPs even go though skin. So any way of transmission, even insects that already are known to cause horrible disease after biting. But now what I'm really worried about is that they already injected that into billions. The "covid-panic" was brought for the injections, not the other way around, I think. The disease was real, but how did it make people ill?

I don't know but I do know they (EcoHealth) had a "nanoparticle mist" tech ready to use some years ago and they were asking for funding from DARPA to spray a bat cave. There is a report where it's denied as too risky but would they take no for an answer to do something in China?

So I'm not sure if it would be GoF- or "genetic weapon" research but the US-funded labs in Georgia (not US) and Ukraine are said to have participated in research of the Slavian/Russian genome, collecting a library of gene samples for something and I'm not so sure that it would be for health...

They are said to have tested how to use insects/migratory birds as a carrier of a "genetic weapon" that could cause problems only to certain DNA. The players include those talked about in C19-context (EcoHealth) or with the Bidens (Metabiota). There is a 2018 documentary about these labs but I haven't watched it, yet. Can be found here and I think there is another from 2020?


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The GoF label is a permission slip for research on weapons that operate under the belief in contagion. Such research has covertly sprayed all kinds of bacteria and perhaps 'so called isolates' of virus on the public to no effect, so I have no doubt they seek ways to bring about disease or dysfunction under the cover story of bio-research – for chemistry, EMF, and 'genetic inheritance' are all facets of biological function or body-mind. Inherent to all such weapons is the psyop - of terror threat believed.

So overdosing poison>Mad Cows>Zoonotic infection narratives drive public health controls over livestock (and pets to come) and access permission to any designated 'biosecurity zone'.

The 'weapon' is a composite but susceptibility to contagion fear is part of its operating system. Fear can result in fixations that reproduce the feared event or condition without any physical agent.

Mind can be representative of a field of frequency domains that are never really separate, so much as boundary conditions of rules and filters for communication. This is so close to us that most cant see it, but perceive its effects as if a purely external world and assign separate existence as well as causation (mind) to it, that is never really 'there' yet we can suffer by our reaction to the protected belief it is not just there, but acting out roles of a largely unconscious mind, such as retribution, denial, withholding or withdrawing of support, malicious attack etc.

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"With regards to TB, I'm guessing you're suggesting the COVID jabs are somewhat responsible for the 'comeback'? If so, how can that be explained? Do the jabs contain the bacteria that allegedly cause it?"

- It's the nanoparticles like pseudouridine (which they used as "RNA") that were used to dim down the inflammation caused by the products. It's affecting the CD4&CD8 response which are responsible in keeping the cancers and another nasty stuff in check. So our "personal guardians" were put to sleep with these things without informing people.

- One's lower inflammation is another's immunosuppression that happens during the first 1-2 weeks after the injection and therefore they didn't want to count even the covid cases during the 1st 14 days.

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New onset of TB (and many other trouble like those said to be caused by Zoster Varicella) must be because of the immunosuppressive properties of the jab. On the other hand the depletion of T-cells because of the injected get continuously reinfected.

Btw. China reported yesterday they'll start using HIV-drug for some covid-patients. I had a look at the crystal ball and I saw lots of AIDS other than MSM news brainwashing so many. So it does look like people are very vulnerable and their immunity wrecked.


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Hello friend, that's a fair question. My observations are from running an extremely busy wildlife rescue and rehabilitation centre over the last 17yrs in Borneo and collaborating with many similar groups across Asia and further afield. Of the tens of thousands of wild caught/injured animals that have come in to me over that time I've yet to personally observe viral diseases in any of them to any significant degree (if at all). Parasites, trauma and localised wound infections aplenty but to date no viral diseases with the possible exception of Feline Panleukopenia Virus in leopards & wild cats.

In our rehabilitation work we are able to return a significant number of them to a free living wild state (some thousands over the years) which we track where possible with radio collars or direct observations with follow teams. Of which the longest continuous follow we're still conducting is 14yrs and counting. In many cases if an animal seems unwell and we are able to we will recapture and assess health, including screening for diseases. We also screen faecal samples of many of the primates in particular when able.

Lastly we have been involved in monitoring wild populations of orangutan in particular but many other mixed species for over 15 years. Documenting group dynamics and individuals, tracking mortality and cause where at all possible (difficult in many cases as it is a jungle).

It is entirely possible that viral diseases 'may' be affecting wild populations of primates and we are missing them, because as you say they may just wander off and die missed by our teams.

But my observations to date are that I have yet to see any significant disease outbreak in any of the populations I have been involved in monitoring and have yet to encounter viral pathogens of significance in any of the thousands of patients I have seen coming from truly wild settings.

It absolutely could be a thing, there are indeed papers written supporting both, but it does strike me as odd that I have yet to professionally encounter a concrete example despite fairly extensive experience in the field.

I hope that helps and please do feel free to ask for more information if you need.



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I thank you for your informative answer which revealed I didn't think things through and therefore didn't realize how easy it would really be to spot an outbreak of a virus that makes the animals seriously ill - you would see the herd of animals if they had trouble moving around or were dead..

I have no official background in virology/microbiology nor do I have expertise in the animal kingdom. Did a deep dive in infectious disease, especially in "airborne respiratory viruses" after I noticed nothing that I did know of how to deal with an epidemic made sense after all western countries started pulling harmful measures and all used psychological warfare against it's own citizens. These all will make sense when we realize their "pandemic simulations" were as much about the disease than behavioral sciences and psyops. There is a great documentary from a true journalist from Germany where they've followed how the small bioterror drills transfered into pandemic simulations that step-by-step started to look like oue reality from 2020->. The documentary is called "Paul Schreyer: Pandemic simulation games – Preparation for a new era?" and is a must for everyone who wants to know WHY. Video can be found from here:


I've also learnt about our immunity and how people who are deficient of vitamin D etc. are a lot more vulnerable to get ill (from anything, cancers, bacteria, etc.) and have long before thought that western civilizations are doomed when we continue in this direction, making people weaker gen. by gen. and after I started growing very skeptical with the "locked-in virus fact" (especially when dove in PCR-testing). It can also be that wild animals have their immunity in top shape and therefore they don't get ill like us even though there were viruses harmful for them?

I'm not "qualified" to say anything but IMO there is something that can make people sick and transfer through the air but is not necessarily virus as the common understanding goes. It seems there are many things we don't know and the situation may be exactly the same as was when Galileo, Kopernikus, etc. lived?

About spreading:

I think many here might be interested from this, a recent study published in Science Advances suggests that the virus may be shuttling itself through tiny tubes that extend from infected host cells:

SARS-CoV-2 Could Use Nanotubes to Infect the Brain


Tunneling nanotubes provide a route for SARS-CoV-2 spreading


I wouldn't be surprised to learn that there has always been particles traveling from human-to-human so small and toxic they make you very ill. If, for example, the particles were nano-sized, the technology to study these has not been available in the past.

Thank you again Leo (and Sebastien!) for your input, I'm hooked in studying more about the possible mechanisms that can make number of people/animals sick. I must say again, I think us western people have ruined our immunity. We used to be only physically weak when it comes to immunity but I was saddened to see how weak most of the people were mentally. Paralyzed in fear when they hear you must be from the media, yet could see nobody dying. Then most ran to take a leap to unknown risks with these genetic injections.

Their psyop was a success and they had ran it through in their biowar games. And I'll never forget nor stop pushing my country's authorities about their role in betraying people in public health, causing mental illness and other devastation.


Kari (from Finland)

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Brilliant Seb and Carol.

I think what's important is to ignore what you think other people can observe - let alone what they believe - and focus on what you can observe yourself.

Then build a theory of disease from the ground up. If you do this, GNM ticks so many boxes.

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A psycho-physical biology is pointing to a more intimate appreciation of life (indeed a spiritual embrace)

Regardless the means of a breakdown of relational integrity, the core healing is the restoration of alignment in and of such a wholeness. 'Bio-logic' extends core relationships of embodied principle or natural order. Patho-logic extends from a core sense of trauma, shock or conflict.

Its is interesting to note that GNM places the sympomatic expression (of most disease symptoms) within the healing phase - which is not exactly the same as 'detoxification'.

The use of the body (and world) to 'store trauma' makes a world of death and taxes!

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Sebastian Powell writes so well and opens the mind to many possibilities.

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Thank you Jill! That's very kind, and greatly appreciated.

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I've been banned from twitter for sins against the mRNA injection programme. But I still follow Caroline Coram and am fascinated by her work.

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Sorry to hear Jill – in case it's helpful, you can find Caroline on Truth Social here (many people seem to be leaving Twitter for this): https://truthsocial.com/@CarolineCoramUK

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There are many complex and technical takeaways in this article but one that is more generalised and which jumps out is that the thinking here deals better with the labyrinth of real and potentially real factors in efforts to understand dis-ease than conventional theories and popular scientific dogma attempts to or even acknowledges. In the case of the latter it's as if the entrance to that labyrinth was bricked up and declared out-of-bounds long ago. Thank you for another outstanding piece.

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Thank you for reading it, and for the kind comments! And yes, that's it – there seems to be certain areas that have been carefully 'cordoned off' so as to ensure that we only discuss what we're supposed to discuss. It's pretty telling (in my view) that whenever you read about 'immune reactions' – e.g. fever – they always seem to tie it back to 'germs' (toxins / poison are rarely mentioned).

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There is a perfect explanation for transmission of disease here:


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Thank you Frances! I'll have a look.

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I'm inclined to your take on polio but here is something interesting: https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01148903/document

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